Huy Quang Ho and Masahito Asai:Experimental study on the stability of laminar flow in a channel with streamwise and oblique riblets, Physics of Fluids 30, 024106 (2018).
Huy Quang Ho, Masahito Asai and Shohei Takagi: Experiments on dependence of streak breakdown on disturbance nature, European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluid, 66 (2017) 1-9.
Tomoaki Ikeda, Yuta Suzuki and Masahito Asai: Direct simulations of tonal noise generation from the flow around a sphere, The 14th International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2017), Nov.1-3, 2017, Sendai.
Ho Quang Huy and Masahito Asai: Experimental study on efects of riblets on the stability of plane channel flow, 2017 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology (APISAT 2017), Oct. 16-18, 2017, Seoul.
Ho Quang Huy and Masahito Asai: Experiments on the stability of flow in a channel with riblets, Workshop on Investigation and Control of Transition to Turbulence in UEC, Sept. 20-22, 2017, Tokyo