Nobuya Shiina, Takashi Nishitsuji and Takuya Asaka, "Improving the imbalance of the light intensity of 3D wire-frame projection with electro-holography by superimposing a phase error", Optics Express 31 (23), pp. 37604-37617, 2023.
Kei Yamashiro, Minami Kotake, Takashi Nishitsuji, and Takuya Asaka, "Cache Allocation and Searching Method Using Self-organized Map for Information-centric Networking," IEICE Communications Express (ComEX), Vol.12, No.5, pp.217-222, 2023.
緑川 諒,馬場大寿,瀬名波拓巳,賣井坂柊誠,朝香卓也,“音声認識支援 AR システムにおける認知しやすいユーザインタフェース,” 2024年電子情報通信学会総合大会,H-4-01,March 2024.
Taku Yamazaki, Naoki Maeda, Takumi Miyoshi, and Takuya Asaka, “Wireless Point Cloud Streaming Experiment using IEEE 802.11ax.,” 2024 IEEE 21st Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (IEEE CCNC 2024), January 2024.
Ryo Midorikawa, Taito Baba, Takumi Senaha, Toma Uruizaka, and Takuya Asaka, "Speech Recognition Support System with AR Glasses," International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Communications (ICETC 2023), Paper P2-27, December 2023.
Sawato Taki, Ryoto Kato, Takashi Nishitsuji, and Takuya Asaka, "Evaluation of factors to reduce visual cognitive load for drivers in VR-CAR," International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Communications (ICETC 2023), Paper P2-14, December 2023.