専門・研究分野 | 制御工学 |
最終学歴・学位 | 博士(工学) |
研究テーマ | 非線形制御理論を中心とした制御理論とその応用に関する研究. 1)むだ時間非線形システムの制御系設計, 2)ネットワーク制御系, 3)遅延結合を用いたカオス同期及び先行同期の理論解析とその制御工学への応用, 4)非線形性を有する機械システムに対する制御手法の開発とその実験による検証 |
研究キーワード | 非線形制御,むだ時間非線形系の制御,複雑・カオス系の制御 |
研究業績・著書・論文、その他それに準じる業績 | 林田泰隆,小口俊樹,不確かな時変入力むだ時間と時変パラメータ変動をもつサンプル値システムの制御系設計,計測自動制御学会論文集, 54, 10, 757-764 (2018) K. Miyamoto, K. Ryono, T. Oguchi, Delay-independent Synchronization in Networks of Time-delay Coupled Systems with Uncertainties,IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51, 33, 211-216I(2018) Y. Cao and T. Oguchi,Coordinated Control of Mobile Robots with Delay Compensation Based on Synchronization, Sensing and Control for Autonomous Vehicles Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 474,,495-514 (2017) D. Yanagi, T. Oguchi, & M. Suzuki, Delay-independent Synchronization in Ring Networks of Identical/Non-identical Systems with Transmission Delay Couplings, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 12, 4, 91-108 (2017) K. Ryono and T. Oguchi, Delay-independent synchronization and Network Topology of Systems with Transmission Delay Couplings, SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, 10, 3, 198-203 (2017) 漁野康紀,小口俊樹, 遅延結合による結合不安定システムの同期と安定化, 日本機械学会論文集, 83, 846 (2017) Y. Cao, T. Oguchi, P. Verhoeckx, and H. Nijmeijer, Consensus Control for a Multiagent System with Time Delays, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 4063184 (2017) 栁大介,小口俊樹, 非線形伝送遅延結合システムにおけるむだ時間非依存型同期, 電子情報通信学会 J99A, 111, 419-425 (2016) K. Oooka, T. Oguchi, Estimation of Synchronization Patterns of Chaotic Systems in the Cartesian Product Networks with Delay couplings, Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, 26, 10, 1630028 (2016) Toshiki Oguchi, Anticipating Synchronization and State Predictor for Nonlinear Systems, Nonlinear Systems, Springer (2016) 大岡芳成,小口俊樹, 遅延結合非線形システムネットワークの同期パターン, 計測自動制御学会論文集, 52, 7, 376-384 (2016) 小口俊樹, 通信遅延を含むカオス結合ネットワークにおける同期問題, システム/制御/情報, 59, 7 (2015) T. Oguchi, Finite Spectrum Assignment for Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems, Recent Results on Nonlinear Delay Control Systems, Advances in Delays and Dynamics, Springer, 291-31 (2015) A. Alvarez-Aguirre, N. van de Wouw, T. Oguchi and H. Nijmeijer, Predictor-Based Remote Tracking Control of a Mobile Robot, IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology, 22, 6, 2087-2102 (2014) 上野, 坂本, 鈴木, 小口, 状態依存シルベスタ方程式を用いた非線形オブザーバの提案, 計測自動制御学会論文集,50, 3, 219--226 (2014) T. Oguchi and E. Uchida, Analysis and Design of Pattern Formation in Networks of Nonlinear Systems with Delayed Couplings, Delay Systems: From Theory to Numerics and Applications, Springer, 141-154 (2013) E. Steur, T. Oguchi, C. van Leeuwen, H. Nijmeijer, Partial synchronization in diffusively time-delay coupled oscillator networks, Chaos, 22, 4, 047204 (2012) A. Alvarez-Aguirre, N. van de Wouw, T. Oguchi, K. Kojima, H. Nijmeijer, Remote tracking control of unicycle robots with network-induced delays, Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, 37, 225-238 (2011) T. Oguchi and H. Nijmeijer, A synchronization condition for coupled nonlinear systems with time-delay: A frequency domain approach, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 21,9, 2525-2538 (2011) T.Oguchi, T.Yamamoto, H.Nijmeijer, Synchronization of Bidirectionally Coupled Nonlinear Systems with Time-varying Delay, in LNCIS "Topics in Time Delay Systems: Analysis, Algorithms, and Control", Springer-verlag, (2009) T.Oguchi, H.Nijmeijer, T.Yamamoto: Synchronization in Networks of Chaotic Systems with Time-delay Coupling, Chaos (American Institute of Physics), Vol. 18, No.3 (2008) 石原新士,小口俊樹:能動関節まわりの摩擦を考慮したPendubotの振り上げ制御, 日本機械学会論文集C編 Vol.74, No.743 (2008) T.Oguchi: A Finite Spectrum Assignment for Retarded Nonlinear Systems and Its Solvability Condition, International Journal of Control, Vol.80. No.6 (2007) H.J.C.Huijberts, H.Nijmeijer, T.Oguchi: Anticipating Synchronization of Chaotic Lur'e Systems, Chaos, Vol.17, No.1 (2007) T.Oguchi and J-P.Richard: Sliding Mode Control of Retarded Nonlinear Systems via Finite Spectrum Assignment Approach, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol.51, No.9 (2006) 隅田悟士,小口俊樹:スライディングモード制御による入力むだ時間システムの安定化,日本機械学会論文集C編 Vol.72, No.724 (2006) T.Oguchi and H.Nijmeijer: Prediction of Chaotic Behavior, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems I:Regular papers, Vol.52, No.11 (2005) ほか |
受 賞 | 計測自動制御学会論文賞(2018) |
主な学会活動 | 計測自動制御学会,日本機械学会,システム制御情報学会,IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), SIAM (The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) |
社会等との関わり | IFAC Technical Committee 1.5 Networked Systems, Member (2017-) IFAC Technical Committee 2.3 Non-Linear Systems, Member (2014-) 5th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Control of Chaotic Systems, IPC member (2017-2018) 計測自動制御学会制御部門「非線形現象の特徴化に基づく制御理論調査研究会」委員(2016-2018) 6th IFAC International Workshop on Periodic Control Systems, IPC member (2015-2016) 計測自動制御学会制御部門 財務副委員長(2015), 委員長(2016) 4th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Control of Chaotic Systems, IPC chair (2014-2014) 第56回自動制御連合講演会実行委員(2013) 3rd IFAC Conference on Analysis and Control of Chaotic systems, IPC member (2011-2012) 2nd IFAC meeting related to analysis and control of chaotic systems, IPC member (2008-2009) 6th IFAC workshop on Time Delay Systems (TDS2006) IPC member (2005-2006) 計測自動制御学会「多様な非線形ダイナミクスを生かした次世代制御調査研究会」研究会委員(2007-2008) 2nd IFAC meeting related to Analysis and Control of Chaotic Systems (IFAC Chaos 09) IPC member (2008-2009) Eindhoven University of Technology 客員研究員(2003年,2008-2009年) ほか |
個人のURL | ― |
担当科目 |
オフィスアワー | 火: 16:20~18:00 |
研究室 | 日野キャンパス6号館412室 |
内線番号 | 9412 |
メールアドレス |
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研究室サイト等 | https://ctrllab.fpark.tmu.ac.jp/jp/ |