稲澤 歩(イナサワ アユム) 2011年度
A. Inasawa, M. Asai, K. Itoh and T. Kamijo, “Suppression control of trailing-edge noise using a plasma actuator”, Recent prograsses in Fluid Dynamics Research (eds; J. Li and S. Fu), AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 1376, pp.533-535.
A. Inasawa, T. Nakano and M. Asai, “Development of wake vortices for a rectangular cylinder of various aspect ratios and the associated sound radiation”, Proc. The Seventh International Symposim on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, 5D1P.
A. Inasawa, T. Kamijo and M. Asai, “Generation mechanism of trailing-edge noise of airfoil at low Reynolds numbers”, Proc. 13th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, pp.45.
中野拓也,稲澤歩,浅井雅人,“平板後流の音響撹乱に対する受容性に関する数値実験”,第43回流体力学講演会講演論文集,pp. 55.
中野拓也,稲澤歩,浅井雅人,“平板後流の音響撹乱に対する応答”,日本流体力学会年会2011講演論文集,pp. 83.
Mochamad, D.M, Shigeta, M., Asai, M. and Inasawa, A.,”Influences of surface roughness on boundary-layer instability and transition”,日本流体力学会年会2011講演論文集,pp.173.
稲澤歩,浅井雅人,水島二郎,赤嶺博史,“低アスペクト比角柱後流の安定性に関する実験”,日本流体力学会年会2010 講演論文集, pp. 273.
A. Inasawa, F. Mori, and M. Asai, “Detailed Observations of Interactions of Wing-Tip Vortices in Close-Formation Flight”, Journal of Aircraft, 49, 1 (2012) 206-213.
M. Asai, A. Inasawa, Y. Konishi, S. Hoshino and S. Takagi, “Experimental study on the instability of wake of axisymmetric streamlined body”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 675, pp.574-595.