Akihiro Takeuchi, Yukako Futada, Kan Okubo, Nobunao Takeuchi, ”Positive electrification on the floor of an underground mine gallery at the arrival of seismic waves and similar electrification on the surface of partially stressed rocks in laboratory,” Terra Nov., vol.22, no. 3, pp.203–207, May 2010.
Yoshifumi Harada, Kan Okubo, Norio Tagawa, Takao Tsuchiya, ”An Improvement of Absorbing Boundary Condition Based on Algorithm of Constrained Interpolation Profile Method for Finite-Difference Time-Domain Acoustic Simulation,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol.49, no. 7, p.07HC09.1-07HC09.2, Jul. 2010.
Masayuki Tanabe, Takuya Yamamura, Kan Okubo, Norio Tagawa, ”Medical Ultrasound Imaging Using Pulse Compression Technique Based on Split and Merge Strategy,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol.49, no. 7, p.07HF15.1-07HF15.5, Jul. 2010.
Takasuke Irie, Kouhei Koumoto, Masayuki Tanabe, Norio Tagawa, Kan Okubo, Iwaki Akiyama, Kouichi Itoh, ”Preliminary Study of Broadband Transducer for Measurement of Bone Characteristics,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol.49, no. 7, p.07HF29.1-07HF29.3, Jul. 2010.
N.Kawada, K.Okubo, N.Tagawa, and T.Tsuchiya, "On decreasing the calculation time in multi‐dimensional acoustic numerical simulation by multi‐GPU parallel computing", 20th Int. Congr. Acoust., Aug. 2010.
K.Okubo, N.Takeuchi, M.Utsugi, K.Yumoto, and Y.SASAI, ”Direct Magnetic Signals from Earthquake Faulting: Iwate-Miyagi Earthquake of M 7.2, Japan,” Work. “Electromagnetic Signals Assoc. with Earthquakes Volcanoes”(EMSEV), Oct. 2010
A.Todorka, S.Yoshiaki, K.Okubo, and N.Tagawa, ”A Method for Sharing Secret Images Realizing General Access Structure,” ITE Technical Report, Vol.34, No.54, pp.57-60, Dec., 2010.
K.Takamiya, K.Okubo, and N.Tagawa, ”High-Accuracy Hermite Image Interpolation with Pseudo-Spectral Method,” APSIPA Annu. Summit Conf., p.58, Dec. 2010.
H.K.Sung, Y.Iida, K.Okubo, and N.Tagawa, ”Depth Recovery Using Camera Motion Imitating Fixational Eye Movements for Wide Variation of Intensity Gradients,” Int. Work. Adv. Image Technol., vol.III.1-2, no. O, p.5, Jan. 2011.
Y.Jitsukata, K.Okubo, and N.Tagawa, ”Integral Formed Depth Recovery using Camera Motion Imitating Fixational Eye Movement,” Int. Work. Adv. Image Technol., vol.III.1-3, no. O, p.6, Jan. 2011.
T.Alexandrova, Y.Suzuki, K.Okubo, and N.Tagawa, "A Method for Sharing Secret Images Realizing General Access Structure", ITE Technical Report., vol.34, no. 54(0), pp.57–60, Jan. 2011.