小澤 啓伺(オザワ ヒロシ) 2019年度



  1. Hiroshi Ozawa (2020) Application of Temperature-Sensitive Paint Measurements on a Hypersonic Vehicle and in a Shock-Tube, J of TSJ., ‘Turbomachinery’, Turbomachinery Society of Japan, 48(1), pp.36-42, 2020.
  2. Laurence SJ, Ozawa H, Schramm JM, Hannemann K (2019) Heat-flux measurements on a Hypersonic intake ramp using fast-response temperature sensitive paint, Exp. Fluids., 60(4):70.

  1. Wagner A, Schramm JM, Wartemann V, Camillo GP, Ozawa H (2019) Boundary Layer Transition Studies on the HEXAFLY-INT Hypersonic Glide Vehicle, ESA FAR 2019, 30 September - 03 October, 2019.
  2. Ozawa H, Wagner A, Schramm JM, Hannemann K (2019) Aerothermodynamic Experiments using TSP in High-speed and Complex Flows, 7th Japanese-German Joint Seminar, “Molecular Imaging Technology for Interdisciplinary Research”, 17-19 September 2019, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.

  1. Ozawa H (2019) Experimental investigation of high-speed aerothermodynamics phenomena using Temperature Sensitive Paint, 日本流体力学会 年会2019,2019年9月13日,竜門賞受賞記念講演(招待講演).

  1. 小澤啓伺:感温塗料計測法を用いた高速熱流体現象の解明,日本流体力学会会誌,ながれ,vol.38,pp.156-161,2019,竜門賞受賞記念解説.