Naoto Kakuta, Keisuke Nishijima, Van Cuong Han, Yuki Arakawa, Katsuya Kondo, Yukio Yamada, Near-infrared temperature measurement technique for water surrounding an induction-heated small magnetic sphere, Journal of Visualized Experiments 134, e57407 (10 pages), 2018.
Hiroki Yamashita, Naoto Kakuta, Daisuke Kawashima, Yukio Yamada, Measurement of temperature-dependent diffusion coefficients of aqueous solutions by near-infrared simultaneous imaging of temperature and concentration, Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express 4, 035030 (12 pages), 2018.
Van Cuong Han, Yuki Arakawa, Keisuke Nishijima, Katsuya Kondo, Naoto Kakuta, Near-infrared measurement of water temperature around gel droplets containing micro-magnetic particles under induction heating, Proceedings of 16th International Heat Transfer Conference, 23376 (8 pages), 2018.
Toshiya Ohata, Daisuke Kawashima, Naoto Kakuta, Near-infrared imaging of reaction and diffusion phenomena of aqueous solutions in microfluidic channels, Proceedings of 16th International Heat Transfer Conference, 23920 (8 pages), 2018.
Yuki Arakawa, Keisuke Nishijima, Van Cuong Han, Katsuya Kondo, Naoto Kakuta, Analysis of natural convection of water around a small magnetic sphere under induction heating, Proceedings of 16th International Heat Transfer Conference, 24129 (8 pages), 2018.
Van Cuong HAN, Yuki ARAKAWA, Katsuya KONDO, Naoto KAKUTA, Near-infrared measurement of water temperature near ferromagnetic particles under induction heating,第55回日本伝熱シンポジウム,C113 (5 pages), 札幌コンベンションセンター, 2018.5.
Mizuki Kyoda, Naoto Kakuta, Kazu Mishiba, Yuki Arakawa, Katsuya Kondo, Three-dimensional temperature distribution estimation around a heat source in water using asymmetric inverse Abel transformation, International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT) and International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA) 2019, 30, Singapore, 2019.1.
Van Cuong Han, Yuki Arakawa, Keisuke Nishijima, Katsuya Kondo, Naoto Kakuta, Near-infrared measurement of water temperature around gel droplets containing micro-magnetic particles under induction heating, 16th International Heat Transfer Conference, 23376 (8 pages), Beijing, China, 2018.8
Toshiya Ohata, Daisuke Kawashima, Naoto Kakuta, Near-infrared imaging of reaction and diffusion phenomena of aqueous solutions in microfluidic channels, 16th International Heat Transfer Conference, 23920, Beijing, China, 2018.8.
Yuki Arakawa, Keisuke Nishijima, Van Cuong Han, Katsuya Kondo, Naoto Kakuta, Analysis of natural convection of water around a small magnetic sphere under induction heating, 16th International Heat Transfer Conference, 24129, Beijing, China, 2018.8.
Naoto Kakuta, Toshiya Ohata, Near-infrared-based concentration imaging of chemical reactions of aqueous solutions in microchannel, Proceedings of The ASME 2018 16th International Conference for International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, 7760, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2018.6.