Van-Cuong Han, Naoto Kakuta, Near-infrared measurement of water temperature near micro-magnetic particle layer in a fluidic channel under induction heating, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 115, 110087 (10 pp.), 2020.2.
川嶋大介, 角田直人, 近赤外吸収イメージング法を利用したマイクロ流路内水溶液の反応拡散現象の可視化,可視化情報 39 (154), pp. 90-95, 2019.7.
Naoto Kakuta, Yuki Arakawa, Mizuki Kyoda, Tomohiro Miyake, Kazu Mishiba, Katsuya Kondo, Near-infrared measurement of axisymmetric temperature field formed by free convection from a 1-mm-diameter heating sphere in water, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 137, pp. 847–856, 2019.
Van-Cuong Han, Naoto Kakuta, Near-infrared temperature measurement of water near iron (ii, iii) oxide nano-magnetic particles under induction heating, The 30th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP30), 054 (6 pp.), Ha Long, Vietnam, 2019.11.
Naoto Kakuta, Takato Uema, Yutaka Washizuka, Toshiya Ohata, Reaction rate estimation of acid-base neutralization in a microfluidic channel using near-infrared imaging technique, The 30th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, 045 (3 pp.), Ha Long, Vietnam, 2019.11.
Naoto Kakuta, Yuki Arakawa, Mizuki Kyoda, Katsuya Kondo, Near-infrared measurement of temperature and flow field formed by free convection from a small heating sphere in water, 14th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 6 pp., Wicklow, Ireland, 2019.7.
Van Cuong Han, Naoto Kakuta, Near-infrared temperature measurement of water near micro-magnetic particles in the microfluidic channel under high-frequency induction heating, 14th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 5 pp., Wicklow, Ireland, 2019.7.
Takato Uema, Toshiya Ohata, Yutaka Washizuka, Naoto Kakuta, Near-infrared imaging and analysis of acid-base neutralization reactions, The 3rd Asian Conference on Quantitative Infrared Thermography, 1840083 (6 pp.), Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2019.7.
Zhenlei Wang, Yuki Arakawa, Van Cuong Han, Katsuya Kondo, Naoto Kakuta, Simultaneous measurement of temperature and flow field formed by a small heated sphere in water by near-infrared absorption imaging method and particle tracking velocimetry, The 3rd Asian Conference on Quantitative Infrared Thermography, 1840056 (6 pp.), Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2019.7.
14th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Outstanding Paper Award, Near-infrared temperature measurement of water near micro-magnetic particles in the microfluidic channel under high-frequency induction heating, 2019.7.
Van-Cuong Han, 14th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Outstanding Paper Award, Near-infrared temperature measurement of water near micro-magnetic particles in the microfluidic channel under high-frequency induction heating, 2019.7.