開沼 泰隆(カイヌマ ヤスタカ) 2019年度



  1. Kobayashi, T., Khojasteh, Y., Kainuma, Y., Analysis of Multi-objective Decision Problems in Humanitarian Supply Chains, Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol.12, No. 2, pp. 60-67, 2019
  2. Tshivhase, T., Kainuma, Y., Current Carbon Emission Reduction Trends for Sustainability - A Review, Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 147-165, 2019
  3. Kainuma, Y., Suyama, N., Furuhata, T., Khojasteh, Y., Investigation of global supply chain network redesign, Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 39, pp.1552-1558, 2019

  1. 開沼泰隆, クローズド・ループ・サプライ・チェーンにおける再製造品の価格決定方法, 経営システム学会第62回全国研究発表大会, 2019年5月
  2. 開沼泰隆,被災者の満足度を考慮した救援物資配送計画, 日本情報経営学会第78回全国大会, 2019年6月
  3. 小川銀平,開沼泰隆, リードタイムの変動を考慮したブルウィップ効果の定量化に関する研究, 日本経営工学会2019年度秋季大会, 2019年9月
  4. 開沼泰隆, グローバル・サプライ・チェーン・ネットワーク設計/再設計, 日本情報経営学会第79回全国大会, 2019年11月

  1. Matsuura, F., Kainuma,Y., Investigation on Optimal Allocation of Debris Collection Depots in Large-scale Disasters in Japan, POMS 2019 Annual Meeting, 2019,5, Washington DC USA
  2. Fongsatitkul, T., Kainuma, Y., DECISION MODEL FOR AN ENVIRONMENTALLY-FRIENDLY NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT (EF-NPD), 17th ANZAM Operations, Supply Chain and Services Management Symposium, 2019.7, Melbourne Australia
  3. Kainuma, Y., Suyama, N., Furuhata, T., Khojasteh, Y., Investigation of global supply chain network redesign, 25th International Conference on Productition Research 2019, 2019.8, Chicago, USA
  4. Tshivhase, T., Kainuma, Y., Optimization of Production and Transportation scheduling using a MILP, 9th International Symposium on Operations Management & Strategy, 2019.9 Tokyo Japan
  5. Fongsatitkul, T., Kainuma, Y., Application of Decision Model under Different Scenarios Considering Uncertainty for New Product Development (NPD), 9th International Symposium on Operations Management & Strategy, 2019.9 Tokyo Japan
  6. Yasutaka Kainuma, Depots Allocation of Debris Collection after Disaster, 6th East Asia Workshop on Industrial Engineering, 2019.11, Taipei Taiwan
  7. Suzuki, I., Kainuma, Y., Sustainability Balanced Scorecard for Supply Chain Evaluation, 11th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, 2019.11, Yokohama Japan
  8. Fongsatitkul, T., Kainuma, Y., A Bayesian Decision Analysis in Developing a New Green Product (NGP), 11th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, 2019.11, Yokohama Japan
  9. Tshivhase, T., Kainuma, Y., Emission-Distribution Model Development under the Cap-and-Trade Policy, 20th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, 2019.12, Kanazawa Japan
  10. Fan J., Kainuma, Y., An investigation of the impact of Industry 4.0 on the closed-loop supply chain, 20th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, 2019.12, Kanazawa Japan

  1. 中央職業能力開発協会(厚労省外郭団体)、中央検定委員
  2. 高圧ガス保安協会(経産省外郭団体)、ISO審査センター品質評価委員会委員

  1. 経営関連学会協議会 理事

  1. ペレーションズ・マネジメント&ストラテジー学会(JOMSA)  監事
  2. 公益社団法人日本経営工学会 理事
  3. Board of Trustees Member of the Inter. Foundation for Production Research – Asia Pacific Region
  4. Asian Association of Management Science and Application 理事
  5. Editorial Board Member of Asian Journal of Management Science and Applications
  6. General Chair of the 6th East Asia Workshop on Industrial Engineering
  7. JOMSA 第11回全国研究発表大会 大会実行副委員長
  8. 10th Int. Conf. on OSCM Int. Committee Member

  1. 株式会社リコー 共同研究
  2. 味の素株式会社 委託研究

  1. University of Exeter (UK), Global Closed Loop Supply Chain
  2. Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University (Australia), Supply Chain Risk Management