Yuma KINOSHITA and Hitoshi KIYA, “iTM-Net: Deep Inverse Tone Mapping Using Novel Loss Function Considering Tone Mapping Operator,” IEEE Access, vol.7, no.1, pp.73555–73563, May 2019.
Tatsuya CHUMAN, Warit SIRICHOTEDUMRONG, and Hitoshi KIYA, “Encryption-then-Compression Systems using Grayscale-based Image Encryption for JPEG Images,” IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security, vol.14, no.6, pp.1515–1525, June 2019.
Yuma KINOSHITA and Hitoshi KIYA, “Scene Segmentation-Based Luminance Adjustment for Multi-Exposure Image Fusion,” IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol.28, no.8, pp.4101–4116, August 2019.
Sayaka MINEWAKI, Fairoza Amira Binti HAMZAH, Taichi YOSHIDA, Masahiro IWAHASHI, and Hitoshi KIYA, “Noise Bias Compensation for Reconstructed HDR Images in Two Layer Coding,” IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, vol.139, no.12, pp.1442–1451, December 2019.
Hiroyuki KOBAYASHI, Osamu WATANABE, and Hitoshi KIYA, “Two-layer Near-lossless HDR Coding using Zero-Skip Quantization with Backward Compatibility to JPEG,” IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol.E102-A, no.12, December 2019.
Yuma KINOSHITA, Kouki SEO, Artit VISAVAKITCHAROEN, and Hitoshi KIYA, “A hue-preserving tone mapping scheme based on constant-hue plane without gamut problem,” IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol.E102-A, no.12, December 2019.
Chihiro GO, Yuma KINOSHITA, Sayaka SHIOTA, and Hitoshi KIYA, “An Image Fusion Scheme for Single-Shot High Dynamic Range Imaging with Spatially Varying Exposures,” IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol.E102-A, no.12, December 2019.
Takahiro Maekawa, Ayana KAWAMURA, Takayuki NAKACHI, and Hitoshi KIYA, “Privacy-Preserving Support Vector Machine Computing Using Random Unitary Transformation,” IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol.E102-A, no.12, December 2019.
Hiroyuki KOBAYASHI and Hitoshi KIYA, “File-Size Preserving Encryption of JPEG Images in the Bitstream Domain,” IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol.J102-D, December 2019.
April Pyone MAUNG MAUNG, Yuma KINOSHITA, and Hitoshi KIYA, “Adversarial Robustness by One Bit Double Quantization for Visual Classification,” IEEE Access, vol.7, no.1, pp.177932–177943, December 2019.
Warit SIRICHOTEDUMRONG, Yuma KINOSHITA, and Hitoshi KIYA, “Pixel-Based Image Encryption Without Key Management for Privacy-Preserving Deep Neural Networks,” IEEE Access, vol.7, pp.177844–177855, December 2019.
Kenta IIDA and Hitoshi KIYA, “Image Identification of Encrypted JPEG Images for Privacy-preserving Photo Sharing Services,” IEICE Trans. Inf. & Sys., vol.E103-D, no.1, pp.25–32, January 2020.
Ryota KAMINISHI, Haruna MIYAMOTO, Sayaka SHIOTA, and Hitoshi KIYA, “Blind bandwidth extension with a non-linear function and its evaluation on automatic speaker verification,” IEICE Trans. Inf. & Sys., vol.E103-D, no.1, pp.42–49, January 2020.
Takayuki NAKACHI, Yukihiro Bandoh, and Hitoshi KIYA, “Secure Overcomplete Dictionary Learning for Sparse Representation,” IEICE Trans. Inf. & Sys., vol.E103-D, no.1, pp.50–58, January 2020.
Yuma KINOSHITA and Hitoshi KIYA, “Hue-Correction Scheme Based on Constant-Hue Plane for Deep-Learning-Based Color-Image Enhancement,” IEEE Access, vol.8, no.1, pp.9540–9550, January 2020.
Hiroyuki KOBAYASHI and Hitoshi KIYA, “JPEG XT Image Compression with Hue Compensation for Two-Layer HDR Coding,” Proc. IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Asia, Bangkok, Thailand, 12th June, 2019.
CHIENCHENG CHIEN, Yuma KINOSHITA, and Hitoshi KIYA, “A Noise-aware Enhancement Method for Underexposed Images,” Proc. IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Asia, Bangkok, Thailand, 13th June, 2019.
Masaki KITAYAMA and Hitoshi KIYA, “HOG feature extraction from encrypted images for privacy-preserving machine learning,” Proc. IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Asia, Bangkok, Thailand, 13th June, 2019.
Ryoya YAGUCHI, Sayaka SHIOTA, Nobutaka ONO, and Hitoshi KIYA, “Replay Attack Detection Using Generalized Cross-Correlation of Stereo Signal,” Proc. EURASIP European Signal Processing Conference, A Coruña, Spain, 3rd September, 2019.
Yuma KINOSHITA and Hitoshi KIYA, “iTM-Net: Deep Inverse Tone Mapping Using Novel Loss Function Based on Tone Mapping Operator,” Proc. EURASIP European Signal Processing Conference, A Coruña, Spain, 3rd September, 2019.
Takayuki NAKACHI, Yukihiro Bandoh, and Hitoshi KIYA, “Secure Dictionary Learning for Sparse Representation,” Proc. EURASIP European Signal Processing Conference, A Coruña, Spain, 3rd September, 2019.
Ryota KAMINISHI, Haruna MIYAMOTO, Sayaka SHIOTA, and Hitoshi KIYA, “Blind bandwidth extension with a non-linear function and its evaluation on x-vector-based speaker verification ,” Proc. ISCA International Conference on Interspeech, 15th September, 2019.
Warit SIRICHOTEDUMRONG, Takahiro Maekawa, Yuma KINOSHITA, and Hitoshi KIYA, “Privacy-Preserving Deep Neural Networks with Pixel-Based Image Encryption Considering Data Augmentation in the Encrypted Domain,” Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Taipei, Taiwan, 23rd September, 2019.
Yuma KINOSHITA and Hitoshi KIYA, “Convolutional Neural Networks Considering Local and Global Features for Image Enhancement,” Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Taipei, Taiwan, 24th September, 2019.
Hiroyuki KOBAYASHI, Osamu WATANABE, and Hitoshi KIYA, “Two-Layer Near-Lossless HDR Coding with Backward Compatibility to JPEG,” Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Taipei, Taiwan, 25th September, 2019.
Kenta IIDA and Hitoshi KIYA, “AN IMAGE IDENTIFICATION SCHEME OF ENCRYPTED JPEG IMAGES FOR PRIVACY-PRESERVING PHOTO SHARING SERVICES,” Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Taipei, Taiwan, 25th September, 2019.
Hiroyuki KOBAYASHI and Hitoshi KIYA, “Performance Evaluation of Two-layer Lossless HDR Coding Using Histogram Packing Technique Under Various Tone-mapping Operators,” Proc. IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, Osaka, Japan, 15th October, 2019.
Warit SIRICHOTEDUMRONG, Yuma KINOSHITA, and Hitoshi KIYA, “On the Security of Pixel-Based Image Encryption for Privacy-Preserving Deep Neural Networks,” Proc. IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, Osaka, Japan, 15th October, 2019.
Artit VISAVAKITCHAROEN, Yuma KINOSHITA, and Hitoshi KIYA, “A Color Compensation Method Using Inverse Camera Response Function for Multi-exposure Image Fusion,” Proc. IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, pp.477–479, Osaka, Japan, 16th October, 2019.
Haruna MIYAMOTO, Sayaka SHIOTA, and Hitoshi KIYA, “Investigation on Latency Issues and Objective Measurements of Non-Linear Blind Bandwidth Extension,” Proc. IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, pp.712–714, Osaka, Japan, 17th October, 2019.
April Pyone MAUNG MAUNG, Warit SIRICHOTEDUMRONG, and Hitoshi KIYA, “Adversarial Test on Learnable Image Encryption,” Proc. IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, Osaka, Japan, 17th October, 2019.
Chihiro GO, Yuma KINOSHITA, Sayaka SHIOTA, and Hitoshi KIYA, “Single-Shot High Dynamic Range Imaging with Spatially Varying Exposures Considering Hue Distortion,” Proc. IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, Osaka, Japan, 17th October, 2019.
Ryoya YAGUCHI, Sayaka SHIOTA, Nobutaka ONO, and Hitoshi KIYA, “Improving replay attack detection by combination of spatial and spectral features,” Proc. APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, Lanzhou, China, 18th November, 2019.
Yuma KINOSHITA and Hitoshi KIYA, “A Hue Correction Scheme Based on Constant-Hue Plane for Color Image Enhancement,” Proc. APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, pp.802–806, Lanzhou, China, 19th November, 2019.
Kenta IIDA and Hitoshi KIYA, “Image Identification of Grayscale-Based JPEG Images for Privacy-Preserving Photo Sharing Services,” Proc. APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, pp.1750–1755, Lanzhou, China, 20th November, 2019.
Warit SIRICHOTEDUMRONG, Yuma KINOSHITA, and Hitoshi KIYA, “Privacy-Preserving Deep Neural Networks Using Pixel-Based Image Encryption Without Common Security Keys,” Proc. APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, Lanzhou, China, 20th November, 2019.
April Pyone MAUNG MAUNG, Yuma KINOSHITA, and Hitoshi KIYA, “Filtering Adversarial Noise with Double Quantization ,” Proc. APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, Lanzhou, China, 20th November, 2019.
Masaki KITAYAMA and Hitoshi KIYA, “Irreversible Privacy-Preserving Images Holding Spatial Information for HOG Feature Extraction,” Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, Beitou, Taipei, 5th December, 2019.
Takayuki NAKACHI and Hitoshi KIYA, “Secure Sparse Representations in L0 Norm Minimization and Its Application to EtC Systems,” Proc. International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems, Gold Coast, Australia, 17th December, 2019.
Ayana KAWAMURA, Yuma KINOSHITA, and Hitoshi KIYA, “Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning Using EtC Images,” Proc. International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 5th January, 2020.
Takayuki NAKACHI and Hitoshi KIYA, “PRIVACY-PRESERVING PATTERN RECOGNITION WITH IMAGE COMPRESSION,” Proc. International Conference on Signal, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Vienna, Austria, 21st March, 2020.
基調講演、at International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST 2020)
基調講演、at Workshop on Intelligent Multimedia Processing
基調講演、at International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON 2019)
招待講演、at Wuchang University of Technology,
Best Paper Award, International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT2020)
Excellent Paper Award Gold Prize, IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE2019)
Best Paper Award Runner-Up, IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics Asia 2019 (ICCE-Asia 2019)
Best Paper Award, International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications 2018 (ITC-CSCC 2018)
アジア太平洋・信号情報処理学会(APSIPA)、功労表彰、APSIPA ASC 2019実行委員長
河村綾菜, 2018年度電子情報通信学会EMM研究会学生研究賞
木下佑磨, 2018年度電子情報通信学会信号処理研究会賞
電子情報通信学会”Fundamentals Review”編集顧問
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Associate Editor
APSIPA (アジア太平洋信号情報処理学会) ライフメンバー
APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing, Editorial Board Member
APSIPA Multimedia Security and Forensics Technical Committee Member
APSIPA Friend Lab Promotion Committee Chair
国際会議組織委員、Advisory Board Member (IEEE Cyberneticscom2019, ICELTICs2020, ITC-CSCC2019, ITC-CSCC2020), General Co-Chair/Honorary Chair (IEEE ISCAS2019, IEEE VCIP2020, IEEE ISPACS2020, APSIPA ASC2019, APSIPA ASC2020, IWAIT2022), Award Chair (IEEE ISPACS2019)
Adjunct Professor, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand
Guest Professor, Wuchang University of Technology, China