小島 広久(コジマ ヒロヒサ) 2009年度
(2)小島広久, 岩島拓紀: クラスター化テザー衛星システムの提案, 第53回宇宙科学技術連合講演会, 京都,9月9-11日
(3)小島広久, 松田直樹: 適応スキュー角変更ピラミッド型配列CMGの提案, 第58回理論応用力学講演会, 東京,6月9-11日
(4)小島広久, 杉本哲郎: 切替え遅延フィードバック制御による楕円軌道上導電性テザー周期秤動運動の安定化,第40回日本航空宇宙学会年会, 東京,4月7日
(5) 阿保真,長澤親生,柴田泰邦,佐原宏典,小島広久,竹ケ原春貴,“超小型衛星搭載リフレクタを利用した温暖化気体のレーザー計測計画”,第27回レーザセンシングシンポジウム,PA-2,平成21年9月3日~4日
(6) 阿保真,長澤親生,柴田泰邦,佐原宏典,小島広久,竹ケ原春貴,“超小型衛星搭載リフレクタを利用した温暖化気体のレーザー計測”,第35回リモートセンシングシンポジウム,(20),平成21年11月5日~6日
(1) Kojima, H., and Furukawa, Y., Experimental Verification of Chaotic Librational Motion of Tethered Satellite System in Elliptic Orbit, AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technology, in Chicago, IL, Aug.9-13, 2009.
(2) Watanabe, T., Fujii, H.A., Mazawa, T., Sukegawa, M., Kojima, H., and Sahara, H.: Experiments of Electro Dynamic Tether System Using Bare Tape Tether and Development of the Tape Tether Deployer, 27th ISTS, in Tsukuba, 2009.
(3) Kojima, H., and Sugimoto, T.: Switching Delayed Feedback Control of Electrodynamic Tether System in Elliptic Orbit, 27th ISTS, in Tsukuba, 2009.
(4) Takada, K., Kojima, H., and Matsuda, N.: CMG Singularity Avoidance Steering Control Based on Singular Surface Cost Function, 27th ISTS, in Tsukuba, 2009.
(5) Sugimoto, Y., Kojima, H., Watanabe, T., and Fujii, A.H.: Dynamics and Control of Tethered Satellite Systems with a Climber, 27th ISTS, in Tsukuba, 2009.
(6) Kojima, H., and Furukawa, Y.: Experimental Verification of Chaotic Librational Motion of Tethered Satellite System in Elliptic Orbit, 27th ISTS, in Tsukuba, 2009.
(7) Kojima, H., Matsuda, N., Takada, K.: Adaptive Skewing Pyramid Type CMGs for Fast Attitude Maneuver, 27th ISTS, in Tsukuba, 2009.
(1)Kojima, H., and Sugimoto,T.: Switching Delayed Feedback Control for an Electrodynamic Tether System in an Inclined Elliptic Orbit, Elsevier Acta Astronautica, Vol.66, pp.1072-1080(2010).
(2)Trivailo, P.M., Fujii, H.A., Kojima, H., and Watanabe, T.: Multi-Constrained Optimal Control of 3D Robot Arm Manipulator, Transactions of Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Space Technology Japan, Vol.7, No.ists26, Pd_95-Pd_104(2010)
(3) 小島広久:平面2リンク宇宙ロボットに対する適応不変マニフォールドベースト切替制御,日本航空宇宙学会論文集, Vol.57, No.669,pp.383-390(2009).
(4)Kojima, H., Matsuda, N., and Takada, K.:Adaptive Skewing Pyramid-type CMGs for Fast Attitude Maneuver, Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Space Technology Japan, Vol.7, pp.19-24(2009).
(5)Kojima, H., and Sugimoto,T.:Stability Analysis of In-plane and Out-of-plane Periodic Motions of Electrodynamic Tether System in Inclined Elliptic Orbit, Elsevier, Acta Astronautica, Vol.65, pp.477-488(2009).
(6)Takada, K., and Kojima, H.:Receding Horizon Control on Steering of Control Moment Gyro for Fast Attitude Maneuvers, Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Vol.52, No.175,pp.1-10(2009).
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