Kasai, S., Kojima, H., and Satoh, M.: Spacecraft Attitude Maneuver using Two Single-gimbal Control Moment Gyros, Elsevier, Acta Astronautica, Vol.84, pp.88-98(2013).
Watanabe, T., Fujii, A.H. Kusagaya, T., Sahara, H., Kojima, H., Takehara, S., Yamagiwa, Y., Sasaki, S., Abe, T., Tanaka, K., Oyama, K., Ebinuma, T., Johnson, L., Khazanov, G.V., Sanmartin, J.R., Charro, M., Kruijff, M., van der Heide, E.J., Rubin, B., Garcia de Quiros, F.J., Trivailo, P.M., and Williams, P.: T-REX: Bare Electro-Dynamic Tape-Tether Technology Eexperiment on Sounding Rocket S520, Journal of Space Technology and Science, Vol.26, No.1, pp.14-20(2012).
Kasai, S. and Kojima, H.: Input-Shaped Link Motion Control of Planar Space Robot Equipped with Flexible Appendage, Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Vol.55, No.4. pp.205-213(2012).
Kojima, H., Furukawa, Y. and Trivailo, P. M.: Experimental Study on Delayed Feedback Control for Libration of Tethered Satellite System, AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol.35, No.3, pp.998-1002(2012).
Kojima, H., and Kasai, S.: Gain-scheduled Steering Control Law for Adaptive Skew Pyramid-type CMGs, 15th Australian International Aerospace Congress, Melbourne, February 25- 28(2013).
Kasai, S., Kojima, H., Satoh, M. : Spacecraft Attitude Maneuver using Two Single Gimbal Control Moment Gyros, AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, August 13-16(2012).
技術士会 技術士第一試験試験 試験委員
日本機械学会 関東支部第19期総会講演会 実行委員
2013年度日本ロボット学会学術講演会 運営委員
29th ISTS session-d co-chair
Inverse Problem in Science and Engineering: Associate Editor
The Open Aerospace Engineering Journal: Associate Editor