Trivailo, P. M. and Kojima, H.: Analysis of Dynamic Stresses in the Elastic Nets for Space Debris Capture, Transactions of JSASS, Vol.66, No.2, pp. 26-36 (2023).
Kojima, H.: Backstepping-Based Steering Control for Spacecraft Attitude Control Using Two-Skewed Control Moment Gyroscopes, AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol.46, No.1, pp. 80-96 (2023).
Trivailo, P. M, Kojima, H.: Conjugated 3D Virtual Reality Worlds in Spacecraft, Advances in Virtual Reality, InTechOpen
Endo, Y., Kojima, H., Trivailo, P. M.: New Formulation for Evaluating Status of Space Debris Capture using Tether-net, Advances in Space Research, Vol.70, No.10, pp.2976-3002 (2022).
Trivailo, P. M. and Kojima, H.:Inertial Morphing as a Novel Concept in Attitude Control and Design of Variable Agility Acrobatic Autonomous Spacecraft, Nonlinear Approaches in Engineering Application, pp 119-211;244 (2022).
Trivailo, P. M, Kojima, H., Marzocca, P., Aranha, S.: Inertial Morphing (IM) of Spacecraft for Efficient Swift Detumbling or Orthogonal Inversions, AIAC20, Melbourne, Feb 27-28(2023).
Pandie, A.R., Kojima, H.: Allowable Initial Relative Velocity of a Net to Contact and Capture Debris, APISAT2022, Oct 12-14, Niigata (2022).
Suzuki, H., Kojima, H.: Line-of-sight control using double-gimbal control moment gyroscope for tethered satellite equipped with tether-net for debris capture, IAC2022, Sep.18-22, France, Paris (2022).
Inoue, T., Kojima, H.: Performance Evaluation of Improved Self-Positioning Method Based on Crater Size for Lunar Landing Vehicles, IAC2022, Sep.18-22, France, Paris (2022).
Kojima, H., Kato, Y., Pandie, A.R., Keshtkar, S.: Tether-Net Ejection Angle Adjustable System, Japan-Laten American Workshop on Small Satellite Development, Hino, March 17,(2023).
株式会社日本総合研究所 「未来を拓くイノベーションTOKYOプロジェクト」 技術アドバイザリー
AIAA, Space Tether Technical Committee Member
Editorial Board of International Journal of Space Science and Engineering