松井 岳巳(マツイ タケミ) 2009年度




[1] Satoshi Suzuki, Takemi Matsui, et al., On the Possibility About Performance Estimation Just Before Beginning a Voluntary Motion Using Movement-Related Cortical Potential, J.A. Jacko (Ed.): Human-Computer Interaction, Part I, HCII 2009, pp.184–191, 2009.
[2] Satoshi Suzuki Takemi Matsui, et al., Development of Non-contact Monitoring System of Heart Rate Variability (HRV)- An Approach of Remote Sensing for Ubiquitous Technology -, B.T. Karsh (Ed.): Ergonomics and Health Aspects, HCII 2009, pp.195–203, 2009.
[3] Satoshi Suzuki, Takemi Matsui, et al., An approach for the task performance estimation using biological signals just before and after the onset of voluntary motion, ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, pp.2531-2534, 2009.
[4] 松井岳巳,鈴木哲, 藺牟田隼人, 塚原健史,呼吸波形・心拍数変動指標を用いた非接触・ストレス評価システムの開発,第48回日本生体医工学会大会
[5] 鈴木哲,松井岳巳,寺田光宏,小島善則,井手桂子,冬眠時におけるニホンツキノワグマの呼吸数の非接触計測の試み,第80回日本動物学会予稿集,p.94,2009.
[6] 長谷川工祐、松井岳巳、臼井貴大、加藤剛人、杉山曜平、鈴木哲、安倍重人 新型インフルエンザ迅速サーベイランスのための非接触・スクリーニングシステムの開発と実地運用 産業保健人間工学会
[7] 香川 正幸、松井岳巳 高齢者見守り支援システムの開発 ~マイクロ波レーダーを用いた呼吸・心拍の非接触計測~ 医療情報学連合大会


[1] Matsui T, Hakozaki Y, Suzuki S, Usui T, Kato T, Hasegawa K, Sugiyama Y, Sugamata M, Abe S.A novel screening method for influenza patients using a newly developed non-contact screening system.J Infect. 2010 Apr;60(4):271-7.
[2] Yasutaka Mori, Shingo Nakamura, Satoko Kishimoto, Mitsuyuki Kawakami, Satoshi Suzuki, Takemi Matsui, Masayuki Ishihara. Preparation and characterization of low-molecular-weight heparin/protamine nanoparticles (LMW-H/P NPs) as FGF-2 carrier. International Journal of Nanomedicine. 2010 Mar;2010(5):147–55.
[3] Shinji Gotoh, Satoshi Suzuki, Hayato Imuta, Masayuki Kagawa, Zorig Badarch, Takemi Matsui.Non-contact determination of parasympathetic activation induced by a full stomach using microwave radar.Med Biol Eng Comput. 2009 Sep;47(9):1017-9.
[4] Matsui T, Suzuki S, Ujikawa K, Usui T, Gotoh S, Sugamata M, Badarch Z, Abe S.
Development of a non-contact screening system for rapid medical inspection at a quarantine depot using a laser Doppler blood-flow meter, microwave radar and infrared thermography.
J Med Eng Technol. 2009;33(5):403-9.
[5] Yura H, Ishihara M, Nakamura S, Kishimoto S, Kanatani Y, Horio T, Ishizuka T, Kawakami M, Matsui T. Coatings of low-density lipoprotein and synthetic glycoconjugates as substrata for hepatocytes. Artif Organs. 2009 Jun;33(6):419-24.
[6]Suzuki S, Matsui T, Kawahara H, Gotoh S. Development of a noncontact and long-term respiration monitoring system using microwave radar for hibernating black bear. Zoo Biol. 2009 May;28(3):259-70.
[7] Suzuki S, Matsui T, Kawahara H, Ichiki H, Shimizu J, Kondo Y, Gotoh S, Yura H, Takase B, Ishihara M. A non-contact vital sign monitoring system for ambulances using dual-frequency microwave radars. Med Biol Eng Comput. 2009 Jan;47(1):101-5.



日本生体医工学会会員 日本人間工学会会員 体表心臓微小電位研究会幹事

