松井 岳巳(マツイ タケミ) 2011年度
[1] ”Study of a non-contact vital sign monitoring system for aged care settings using microwave radars.”, 第50回日本生体医工学会,H23年4月
[2] “A portable screening system for onboard entry screening at international airports using a microwave radar, reflective photo sensor and thermography.”, 2011 International Conference on Instrumentation, Communication, Information Technology and Biomedical Engineering, Nov. 2011
[3] “An overnight vital signs monitoring system for elderly people using dual microwave radars. “, Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference 2011, Dec. 2011
[4]“A Novel Non-contact Infection Screening System Based on Self-Organizing Map with K-means Clustering.”, 2011 International Conference on Bio-Science and Bio-Technology, Dec. 2011
[5]「マイクロ波レーダーを用いたストレス評価システムに関する研究~心拍・呼吸情報を用いた唾液中αアミラーゼ濃度の推定~」 第19回日本産業ストレス学会,H24年1月
[1] “A novel screening method for influenza patients using a newly developed non-contact screening system.”, T Matsui, Y Hakozaki, S Suzuki, T Usui, T Kato, K Hasegawa, Y Sugiyama, M Sugamata, S Abe, J Infect. 2010 Apr;60(4):271-7
[2] 「IHE XDSを活用した脳卒中地域連携クリティカルパスシステムの構築」香川正幸,大林正晴,青木英博,杉下明隆,森田 嘉昭,増田忠司,鈴木哲,松井岳巳,水野正明,吉田 純,医療情報学第29巻第2号pp. 53-61, H22年4月
[3] “The possibility of determination of accuracy of performance just before the onset of a reaching task using movement-related cortical potentials.”, S Suzuki, T Matsui, Y Sakaguchi, K Ando, N Nishiuchi, M Ishihara, Med Biol Eng Comput. 2010 Sep;48(9):845-52.
心電情報処理研究ワークショップ 世話人
体表心臓微小電位研究会 世話人