G Sun, Y Nakayama, S Dagdanpurev, S Abe, H Nishimura, T Kirimoto, T Matsui, “Remote sensing of multiple vital signs using a CMOS camera-equipped infrared thermography system and its clinical application in rapidly screening patients with suspected infectious diseases”, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 55, 113–117, Feb. 2017
G Sun, NV Trung, T Matsui, K Ishibashi, T Kirimoto, H Furukawa, LT Hoi, NN Huyen, Q Nguyen, S Abe, Y Hakozaki, NV Kinh, “Field evaluation of an infectious disease/fever screening radar system during the 2017 dengue fever outbreak in Hanoi, Vietnam: a preliminary report”, Journal of Infection, 75(6):593-595, Dec. 2017
G Sun, T Matsui, Y Watai, S Kim, T Kirimoto, S Suzuki, Y Hakozaki, “Vital-SCOPE: Design and Evaluation of a Smart Vital Sign Monitor for Simultaneous Measurement of Pulse Rate, Respiratory Rate, and Body Temperature for Patient Monitoring”, Journal of Sensors, Volume 2018 (2018), Article ID 4371872, 7 pages, Feb. 2018
S Dagdanpurev, G Sun, S Abe, T Matsui, “Remote sensing of multiple vital signs using a CMOS camera-equipped infrared thermography system and its clinical application in rapidly screening patients with suspected infectious diseases”, 56th Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, May 2017.
M Kobayashi, G Sun, T Shinba, T Matsui, T Kirimoto, “Simple and objective screening of major depressive disorder by heart rate variability analysis during paced respiration and mental task conditions”, 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, July 2017
Y Yao, G Sun, T Kirimoto, T Matsui, M Schiek, “Online state space filtering of biosignals using neural network-augmented Kalman filter”, 10th Biomedical Engineering International Conference (BMEiCON), Aug. 2017
熊澤良太、第33回日本ストレス学会 奨励賞(高田賞) 平成29年10月21日
平野雅也、日本人間工学会関東支部 第23回卒業研究発表会 表彰 平成29年12月16日
埼玉県道路交通環境安全推進アドバイザー会議 委員
社会福祉法人キングス・ガーデン埼玉 評議委員
心電情報処理ワークショップ 幹事
体表心臓微小電位研究会 世話人
Vital Lab株式会社
ベトナム国立熱帯病院,The rapid screening of outpatients with suspected infection in National Hospital of Tropical Diseases of Vietnam using a multiple vital-sign based infection screening system