“Screening for Major Depressive Disorder Using a Wearable Ultra-Short-Term HRV Monitor and Signal Quality Indices”, Sato S., Hiratsuka T., Hasegawa K., Watanabe K., Obara Y., Kariya N., Shinba T., Matsui T., Sensors 2023, 23(8), 3867; Apr. 2023
“Major Depressive Disorder and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Show Characteristic Heart Rate Variability Profiles Reflecting Autonomic Dysregulations: Differentiation by Linear Discriminant Analysis”, Shinba T., Kuratsune D., Shinba S., Shinba YSun G., Matsui T., Kuratsune H., Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 23(11), June 2023
“Pulse rate variability estimation method based on imaging-photoplethysmography and application to telepsychiatry”, Nishikawa M., Dagdanpurev S., Hashimoto T., Kurosawa M., Kirimoto T., Shinba T., Matsui T., Sun G., 2023 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), July 2023
「ドップラレーダを用いたポータブル型呼吸計測器の開発」, Katoh M., Kanazawa T., Abe Y., Sun G., Matsui T., IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 143(9) 922-933, Sept. 2023
“Development of a stand‐alone portable respiratory rate monitor using a Doppler radar”, Katoh M., Kanazawa T., Abe Y., Sun G., Matsui T., Electronics and Communications in Japan, 106(4), Oct. 2023
“Non-Contact Estimation of Cardiac Inter-Beat Interval and Heart Rate Variability Using Time-Frequency Domain Analysis for CW Radar”, Yen H.T., Kurosawa M., Kirimoto T., Hakozaki Y., Matsui T., Sun G., IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, 7(4) 457-467, Dec. 2023
“Performance Enhancement of Thermal Image Analysis for Noncontact Cardiopulmonary Signal Extraction”, Nakai K., Kurosawa M., Kirimoto T., Matsui T., Abe S., Suzuki S., Sun G., Infrared Physics & Technology, 105244-105244, Feb. 2024
“Pulse rate variability estimation method based on imaging-photoplethysmography and application to telepsychiatry”, Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. July 2023
“Physiological Parameters-Based Mobile and Non-Contact COVID-19 Screening System Using RGB-Depth-Thermal Cameras”, 22nd IEEE Statistical Signal Processing (SSP) Workshop 2023, July 2023