Atsushi Sugama, Akihiko Seo, Analysis of postural instability in the upright position on narrow platforms and the interactions with postural constraints, Sensors, 21, 3909. 2021.6.10, [DOI: 10.3390/s21113909], 18 pages
Kazuki HIRANAI, Akisue KURAMOTO, Akihiko SEO, Detection of Anomalies in Working Posture during Obstacle Avoidance Tasks using a One-Class Support Vector Machine, Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association, Vol.72, No.2E, pp.125-133, 2021.8
Kazuki Hiranai, Miho Yaji1, Akihiko Seo, Evaluation of Force Exertion Strategies During Repetitive Lifting/Lowering Tasks Based on Time-Frequency Analysis, 21th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, IEA 2021, LNNS 223, pp.155-161, June 14-18, 2021, Vancouver, Canada (on-line)
Atsushi Sugama, Akiko Takahashi, Akihiko Seo, Estimation of Perceived Hand Force during Static Horizontal Pushing Tasks Using the Zero-Moment Point-Based Balance Control Model, 21th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, IEA 2021, LNNS 220, pp.689-696, June 14-18, 2021, Vancouver, Canada (on-line)