田川 俊夫(タガワ トシオ) 2008年度
4.Shibasaki, Y., Ueno, K. and Tagawa, T., "Effect of an external magnetic field on a rising air bubble in a liquid metal", 7th PAMIR International Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, September 8 - 12, 2008 - Presqu'île de Giens - France.
5.Tagawa, T., "Numerical computation of liquid metal flows driven by the gravity, rotation and surface tension in the presence of a magnetic field", 7th PAMIR International Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, September 8 - 12, 2008 - Presqu'île de Giens - France.
6.Koda, T., Tagawa, T., Ozawa, S. and Hibiya, T., "Numerical analysis of droplet oscillation in the presence of a static magnetic field and rotation", 18th European Conference on Thermophysical Properties Pau, France 31 Aug - 4 September, 2008
7.Morohoshi, K, Ozawa, S., Tagawa, T. and Hibiya, T., "Oxygen Partial Pressure Dependence of Surface Tension for Molten Silicon", 18th European Conference on Thermophysical Properties Pau, France 31 Aug - 4 September, 2008.
8.Tagawa, T., "Numerical study of fluid flows in zero-gravity field under external magnetic fields", Fifth Japan-Korea Joint Seminar on Space Environment Utilization Research, Inoue Foundation for Science, University of Tokyo, Oct., 2008.
9.Shibasaki, Y., Ueno, K. and Tagawa, T., "Numerical simulation of a single rising bubble in a liquid metal under the influence of a magnetic field", The 4th International Marangoni Association Conference on Interfacial and Micro Fluid Dynamics and Processes, Tokyo University of Science, Oct., 2008.
10. 田川俊夫:回転場の流動と伝熱の数値解析、化学工学会熱工学部会2008年度講演会、2008年11月28日.
11.田川俊夫:ハルトマン境界層モデルを用いた高精度MHD対流解析、日本鉄鋼協会 第157回春季講演大会、2009年3月28-30 東京工業大学.
1. Tagawa, T. and Ozoe, H., Effect of external magnetic fields on various free-surface flows,
Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, 8 / 7-8 , 461-468, 2008.
2. Morohoshi, K., Ozawa, S., Tagawa, T., Hibiya, T., Measurement of surface tension for molten silver by oscillating droplet method using electromagnetic levitation furnace,
Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals, 72 / 9 , 708-713, 2008.