Toshio Tagawa and Kewei Song, "Stability of an Axisymmetric Liquid Metal Flow Driven by a Multi-Pole Rotating Magnetic Field", Fluids, 4(2):77, 2019.
Toshio Tagawa, "Linear Stability Analysis of Liquid Metal Flow in an Insulating Rectangular Duct under External Uniform Magnetic Field", Fluids, 4(4):177, 2019.
Takuya Masuda and Toshio Tagawa, "Quasi-Periodic Oscillating Flows in a Channel with a Suddenly Expanded Section", Symmetry, 11(11):1403, 2019.
Chao Luo, Kewei Song, Toshio Tagawa, Xiang Wu and Liangbi Wang, "Thermal performance of a zig-zag channel formed by two wavy fins mounted with vortex generators", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 153, 106361, 2020.
Furuichi, Y. and Tagawa, T., "Numerical study of the dynamics of liquid sloshing in a tank with baffle plates", The 7th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow- 2019 (ASCHT2019), Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan, September 4, 2019.
Tagawa, T. , "Linear stability of liquid metal duct flow weakly affected by a uniform magnetic field", The 7th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow- 2019 (ASCHT2019), Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan, September 5, 2019.
日本鉄鋼協会 混相流研究グループ 幹事
日本マイクログラビィティ応用学会 学会誌「IJMSA」編集委員
日本機械学会関東支部 第27期商議員
蘭州交通大学 Song Kewei 博士と連携による研究活動を実施.過去に本学客員准教授として招聘(2016年9月1日~2017年8月31日).