渡辺 直行(ワタナベ ナオユキ) 2011年度


著 書

渡辺直行、新版 複合材料・技術総覧(監修:福田博、邉吾一、末益博志)、第4章 複合材料の成形と加工、第4節 層間強度改善の加工法、pp. 392-403、産業技術サービスセンター、2011年6月


A Yudhanto, N Watanabe, Y Iwahori, H Hoshi (2011). Numerical and Experimental Studies of the Mechanical Properties of Stitched Composites, Proceeding of the Annual Meeting on Science and Technology Studies (AMSTECS), June 10-12, 2011, Tokyo, Japan. (Best Presentation Award).
A Yudhanto, N Watanabe, Y Iwahori, H Hoshi (2011). In-plane Mechanical Properties of Vectran-Stitched Composites by Homogenization Method, Proceeding of the 16th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS-16), June 28-30, 2011, Porto, Portugal.
K.T. Tan, N. Watanabe, Y. Iwahori and T. Ishikawa (2011). Influence of Stitch Density and Stitch Thread Thickness on Compression After Impact Strength of Stitched Composites, Conference Proceeding for 16th International Conference on Composite Structures, ICCS-16, 28-30 Jun, Porto, Portugal.
田淵、渡辺、大塚、”Ilyushinの降伏条件を圧延時の座屈挙動に適応するための基礎研究”、第53回構造強度に関する講演会講演集、2011年7月、ジョイナス(秋田県民会館付属施設)、秋田、pp. 130-132.
戸田、渡辺、”容器深さの影響を考慮したゴム膜/流体連成系の非線形解析”、第53回構造強度に関する講演会講演集、2011年7月、ジョイナス(秋田県民会館付属施設)、秋田、pp. 185-187.
福井、渡辺、”粘性を考慮した空気と平板の構造連成系に対する固有振動解析(第5報:流れの妥当性 その2)”、第53回構造強度に関する講演会講演集、2011年7月、ジョイナス(秋田県民会館付属施設)、秋田、pp. 188-190.
渡辺、高橋、Arief、”周期性を緩和した三次元均質化法の定式化について”、第53回構造強度に関する講演会講演集、2011年7月、ジョイナス(秋田県民会館付属施設)、秋田、pp. 203-205.
タン、渡辺、星、吉村、岩堀、石川、”縫合積層板に対する静的押し込み試験における損傷観察”、第53回構造強度に関する講演会講演集、2011年7月、ジョイナス(秋田県民会館付属施設)、秋田、pp. 229-231.
A Yudhanto, N Watanabe, Y Iwahori, H Hoshi, Mechanical Properties of Vectran-Stitched Composites: Numerical Simulation and Experimental Validation. Proceeding of the 18th International Conference of Composite Materials (ICCM-18), August 21-26, 2011, Jeju Island, South Korea.
K.T. Tan, N. Watanabe, A. Yoshimura, Y. Iwahori and T. Ishikawa, Progressive Damage in Stitched Composites under Impact Loading, Conference Proceeding for 18th International Conference on Composite Materials, ICCM-18, 21-26 Aug, 2011, Jeju Island, Korea.
K.T. Tan, N. Watanabe and Y. Iwahori (2011). Fracture Behaviour and Damage Characteristics of Stitched Composites under Impact and Post Impact Loading, Conference Proceeding for 6th International Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives, 11-15 Sept, 2011, Les Diablerets, Switzerland.
A Yudhanto, N Watanabe, Y Iwahori, H Hoshi, Mechanical Properties of Vectran-Stitched Laminates under Static and Fatigue Loadings, Proceeding of the 6th International Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives, September 11-15, 2011, Les Diablerets, Switzerland.
Watanabe N, Takahashi S, Yudhanto A, Nasution MRE. Formulation of 3-D Homogenization Method with Relieving Periodic Condition, Proceeding of the 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Composite Materials, November 17, 2011, Changwon, South Korea,
Yudhanto A, Watanabe N, Iwahori Y, Hoshi H. Damage Characterization in Stitched Carbon/Epoxy Composites under Static and Fatigue Loading, 4th AUN/SEED-Net Reg. Conf. Mechanical and Aerospace Technology, January 10-11, 2012, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam,
大石、高橋、星、渡辺、” 平織複合材の面外方向熱膨張係数の定量的な評価”、第3回日本複合材料合同会議講演集、2012年3月、キャンパスプラザ京都、京都、pp. 130-132.
Ridlo、渡辺、” Formulation of 3-D Homogenization Method by Considering the Effect of Finite Thickness”、第3回日本複合材料合同会議講演集、2012年3月、キャンパスプラザ京都、京都、pp. 130-132.
Yudhanto、渡辺、岩堀、星、” Effects of stitching on the fatigue behavior of
carbon/epoxy laminates”、第3回日本複合材料合同会議講演集、2012年3月、キャンパスプラザ京都、京都、pp. 130-132.


K.T. Tan, N. Watanabe and Y. Iwahori, “Impact Damage Resistance, Response and Mechanisms of Laminated Composites Reinforced by Through-Thickness Stitching”, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, January 2012, 21: pp. 51-80.
K.T. Tan, N. Watanabe and Y. Iwahori, X-ray Radiography and micro Computed Tomography Examination of Damage Characteristics in Stitched Composites subjected to Impact Loading, Composites Part B: Engineering, 42, 2011, pp. 874-884.
K.T.Tan, N. Watanabe and Y. Iwahori, Stitch Fibre Comparison for Improvement of Interlaminar Fracture Toughness in Stitched Composites, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 30 (2) ,2011, pp. 99-109.
K.T. Tan, N. Watanabe, Y. Iwahori and T. Ishikawa Effect of Stitch Density and Stitch Thread Thickness on Compression After Impact Strength and Response of Stitched Composites, Composites Science and Technology 72, 87-598 (2012).

A Yudhanto, N Watanabe, Y Iwahori, H Hoshi, The effects of stitch orientation on the tensile and open hole tension properties of carbon/epoxy plain weave laminates, Materials & Design, Volume 35, (2012), pp. 563-571.
A Yudhanto, Y Iwahori, N Watanabe, H Hoshi. Open hole fatigue characteristics and damage growth of stitched plain weave carbon/epoxy laminates, International Journal of Fatigue (Accepted).



日本複合材料学会, 日本航空宇宙学会
宇宙航空開発機構 宇宙科学研究本部 宇宙工学委員会研究班員


Best Presentation Award:
A Yudhanto, N Watanabe, Y Iwahori, H Hoshi (2011). Numerical and Experimental Studies of the Mechanical Properties of Stitched Composites, Proceeding of the Annual Meeting on Science and Technology Studies (AMSTECS), June 10-12, 2011, Tokyo, Japan.
Best Poster Presentation Award:
K.T. Tan, N. Watanabe and Y. Iwahori (2011). Fracture Behaviour and Damage Characteristics of Stitched Composites under Impact and Post Impact Loading, Conference Proceeding for 6th International Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives, 11-15 Sept, Les Diablerets, Switzerland.