A. Trilaksono, N. Watanabe, H. Hoshi, A. Kondo and Y. Iwahori, “Automatic Damage Detection and Monitoring of a Stitch Laminate System Using a Fiber Bragg Grating Strain Sensor,” Open Journal of Composite Materials, 4 (2014) 47-60.
A. Trilaksono, N. Watanabe, H. Hoshi, A. Kondo, S. Takeda and Y. Iwahori, “Investigation of the Mechanical Behavior of a Thin Composite Stiffened Skin with a Combined Joint,” Journal of Mechanics Engineering & Automation, 3 (2013) 428-440.
A. Trilaksono, N. Watanabe, H. Hoshi, A. Kondo, S. Takeda and Y. Iwahori, “Continuous Damage Monitoring of a Thin Composite Structural with Mismatched Stiffener in a Combined Joint Using Fiber Bragg Grating under Tension and Three-Point Loading,” Open Journal of Composite Materials, 3 (2013) 63-87.
A. Trilaksono, N. Watanabe, H. Hoshi, A. Kondo, S. Takeda and Y. Iwahori, “Damage Monitoring in Composite Stiffened Skin using Fiber Bragg Grating under Tensile and Three-Point Loading,” Journal of Mechanics Engineering & Automation, 3 (2013), 226-236.
A. Yudhanto, N. Watanabe, Y. Iwahori and H. Hoshi, “Compression Properties and Damage Mechanisms of Stitched Carbon/Epoxy Composites,” Composites Science & Technology, 86 (2013) 52-60.
A. Yudhanto, N. Watanabe, Y. Iwahori and H. Hoshi, “Effect of Stitch Density on Tensile Properties and Damage Mechanisms in Stitched Carbon/Epoxy Composites,” Composite part B, 46 (2013) 151-165.
M. Ridlo, N. Watanabe, A. Kondo and A. Yudhanto, “Thermomechanical properties and stress analysis of 3-D textile composites by asymptotic expansion homogenization method,” Composites Part B: Engineering, 60 (2014) 378-391.
A. Yudhanto, N. Watanabe, Y. Iwahori and H. Hoshi, “Compressive Strength and Damage Mechanisms in Stitched Carbon/Epoxy Composites,” Proc. 19th ICCM, Montreal, July 2013, USB.
M. Ridlo, N. Watanabe and A. Kondo, “Numerical Evaluation of Periodic Boundary Condition on Thermo-Mechanical Problem Using Homogenization Method,” Proc. 19th ICCM, Montreal, July 2013, USB.
K. Mikami, A. Kondo and N. Watanabe, “Finite Element Analysis of Delamination Growth with Fracture Resistance Dependent on Mixed-Mode Ratio and Fiber Orientation,” Proc. 19th ICCM, Montreal, July 2013, USB.
J. Herwan, A. Kondo, S. Morooka and N. Watanabe, “Mode II Delamination Toughness of Vectran Stitched Composites,” Korean-Japan Conf. Comp. Mater, Kagoshima, Sep. 2013, pp. 24-26.