山口 亨(ヤマグチ トオル) 2020年度



  1. A. Matsufuji, E. Sato-Shimokawara, and T. Yamaguchi, "Adaptive Personalized Multiple Machine Learning Architecture for Estimating Human Emotional States," J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.24, No.5, pp. 668-675, 2020 doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2020.p0668
  2. Wei Fen Hsieh, Eri Sato-Shimokawara, and Toru Yamaguchi, "Impression Preference Tendency between A Cute Robot and A Cool Robot", 知能と情報, 2020 年 32 巻 2, pp.686-690, doi.org/10.3156/jsoft.32.2_686

  1. 齋藤 太龍,下川原(佐藤) 英理, 山口 亨,"生体情報に基づく楽器が覚醒度および快・不快度に与える影響の解析",情報処理学会第83回全国大会,6ZF-01,2020年3月
  2. 木戸 佑香,下川原(佐藤) 英理,山口 亨,"電気刺激を用いたハプティックインターフェイスの印象分析", 情報処理学会第83回全国大会,6ZB-06,2020年3月
  3. 本田 涼、小野 太睦、下川原(佐藤)英理、山口 亨 "段階的な情報推薦に向けたこだわりの強さと疎密の関係を考慮した行動分析", 第21回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 講演番号:1B1-16
  4. Meixuan Li, Defu Zhang, Eri Sato-Shimokawara, Toru Yamaguchi, "Analysis of Perceptions towards Strong Emotions in Intercultural Communication", 2020年度 人工知能学会全国大会(第34回)[3F5-ES-2-04]
  5. Wei-Fen Hsieh, Youdi Li, Eri Sato-Shimokawara, Toru Yamaguchi, "Investigation of the Association between Personality and Human Perception towards Robot Expressions", 2020年度 人工知能学会全国大会(第34回)[2G4-ES-4-01]

  1. Youdi LI, Eri SATO-SHIMOKAWARA, and Toru YAMAGUCHI, "Investigation of Relationship Between Robot Expressions and Human Perception Considering Negative and Anxiety Scale", The 9th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Applications (ISCIIA 2020), 1A2-3-5, 7 pages, 2020 November
  2. Akihiro MATSUFUJI, Erina KASANO, Eri SATO-SHIMOKAWARA, and Toru YAMAGUCHI, "An Incremental Multi-Model Learning Architecture for Emotion Recognition", The 9th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Applications (ISCIIA 2020), 1A2-3-1, 7 pages, 2020 November
  3. Shuyu Tang, Shodai Aoyagi, Yihsin Ho, Eri Sato-Shimokawara, Toru Yamaguchi, "Wearable Sensor Data Visualization based on CNN towards Healthcare Promotion," 2020 International Symposium on Community-centric Systems (CcS), Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan, 2020, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/CcS49175.2020.9231517, 2020 September
  4. Chang-Shing Lee, Mei-Hui Wang, Wen-Kai Kuan, Zong-Han Ciou, Yi-Lin Tsai, Wei-Shan Chang, Lian-Chao Li, Naoyuki Kubota, Tzong-Xiang Huang, Eri Sato-Shimokawara, Toru Yamaguchi, "A Study on AI-FML Robotic Agent for Student Learning Behavior Ontology Construction," 2020 International Symposium on Community-centric Systems (CcS), Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan, 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/CcS49175.2020.9231339., 2020 September
  5. Tzong-Xiang Huang, Hiroto Ishi, Eri Sato-Shimokawara, Torn Yamasuchi, "Analysis of Relation between Brainwave and Heart Rate Information towards Entrainment Robot Assistance," 2020 International Symposium on Community-centric Systems (CcS), Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan, 2020, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/CcS49175.2020.9231392, 2020 September
  6. Hiroto Ishi, Akihiro Matsufuji, Eri Sato-Shimokawara, Toru Yamaguchi, "Relation of Heart Rate and a Human-interest Listening an Article for Supporting Continuous Conversation," 2020 International Symposium on Community-centric Systems (CcS), Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan, 2020, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/CcS49175.2020.9231493, 2020 September
  7. A. Matsufuji, H. Sekino, E. Sato-Shimokawara and T. Yamaguchi, "A Calculation Method of the Similarity Between Trained Model and New Sample by using Gaussian Distribution," 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Glasgow, United Kingdom, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/IJCNN48605.2020.9206945, 2020 July
  8. Haruka Sekino, Erina Kasano, Wei-Fen Hsieh, Eri Sato-Shimokawara, and Toru Yamaguchi, "Robot Behavior Design Expressing Confidence/Unconfidence based on Human Behavior Analysis", 2020 17th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR), pp.278-283, DOI:10.1109/UR49135.2020.9144862

  1. Youdi LI, Best Paper Award, "Investigation of Relationship Between Robot Expressions and Human Perception Considering Negative and Anxiety Scale", The 9th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Applications (ISCIIA 2020), 受賞日:2020年11月2日
  2. Akihiro MATSUFUJI, Session Best Presentation Award, "An Incremental Multi-Model Learning Architecture for Emotion Recognition", The 9th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Applications (ISCIIA 2020), 受賞日:2020年11月2日

  1. 芝浦工業大学,"ベイエリアおもてなしロボット研究会"
  2. 東京工業高等専門学校, 大学高専連携研究

  1. Prof. Chang-Shing Lee (National University of Tainan)と共同研究を実施