Group Exhibition with Yuki Kikutake, Alessandro Biamonti, Keisuke Fujiwara and the Visual Communication, Interior Design & Spatial Design Studios “What to do with my Rubbish in Tokyo” TMU X POLIMI Design Workshop, SD Gallery, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Hino, Tokyo, Japan
Solo Installation, Photography, Invitation, "Architecture, Light + Space", Director’s Office, School of Architecture, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
Group Exhibition with Kumiko Kushiyama, Tetsuaki Baba, Shin Tsuchiya, Yuki Matsuoka, Saki Yamamoto, Yoshimi Iijima and Kazumi Sato, Symposium and Showcase “Azimuth: Sound/Image - Engaging the Human Sensorium Through Art and New Technologies”, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Hino, Tokyo, Japan
Editors’ Pick in ‘Youthhood’, Life Framer International Photography Competition
Editors’ Pick in ‘An Instant’, Life Framer International Photography Competition
Photography Selected for Life Framer’s Online Journal “Editors’ Pick, Passages of Quiet and Rebel Fragility, Youthhood”
Photography Selected for Life Framer’s Online Journal “Editors’ Pick, Instant Gratification in the Digital Age, An Instant”
National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB)
Registered Architect (RA), Utah
Architecture, Culture & Spirituality Forum (ACSF)
University of Utah, Design Build Bluff Program, TMU X U of U Design Build Bluff Workshop
Politecnico di Milano, School of Design, POLIMI X TMU Design Workshop
“What is Spatial Design?” Guest Lecture, Chiba High School, Chiba, Japan