氏名 |
ADAMS,Verl (アダムス ヴァール / ADAMS Verl )
職位 | 准教授 |
所属 | インダストリアルアート学科 インダストリアルアート学域
インダストリアルアートコース インダストリアルアート学域 |
年報 | 20172016201520142013 |
Verl Adams is an architect and a photographer. He investigates the perception of light through architectural space, and explores the capacity of architecture to create environments that increase our awareness of relationships between humans and nature, earth and sky, through spatial elements that capture and modulate the sun’s light.
専門・研究分野 | Architecture, Spatial Design, Art, Photography |
最終学歴・学位 | Master of Architecture, University of Utah |
研究テーマ | (1) The Perception of Light through Architectural Space (2) Interactive Modular Screen Systems (IMSS) |
研究キーワード | Architecture, Spatial Design, Art, Photography, Kinetic Solar Shading |
研究業績・著書・論文、その他それに準じる業績 | GRANTS (SELECTED) - Verl Adams, Testuaki Baba, Kumiko Kushiyama, Shin Tsuchiya “A Study of Interactive Modular Screen Systems” 2016 Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 科学研究費補助金 (KAKENHI-B) 金額:13,700千円 - Verl Adams, Kumiko Kushiyama, Testuaki Baba, Shin Tsuchiya “A Study of Interactive Modular Screen Wall Systems: towards combining the beauty and utility of architectural materials with interactive media technologies.” 2014 首都大学東京 平成26年度 傾斜的研究費(部局競争的経費) 金額:1,797千円 PATENT - 2022 Patent Certificate: Patent No. 特許証: 特許第 7089748号 名称:An Adaptable Interactive Modular Screen Tokyo Metropolitan University Verl Adams, Tetsuaki Baba, Ayano Kunieda, Kumiko Kushiyama, Shin Tsuchiya EXHIBITIONS & CONFERENCES (SELECTED) - 2023 Group Art Exhibition, Art + Photography, “Semi-Natural” U-Forum Museum, Kunitachi, Tokyo, Japan - 2023 Group Art Exhibition, Photography, “22nd Art in Hamura Exhibition”, Hamura City Lifelong Learning Center, Hamura, Tokyo, Japan - 2022 Solo Photography + Art Exhibition, “Emptiness + Light”, Gallery WAJUN at Chion-in Temple, Kyoto, Japan - 2021 Group Art Exhibition, Artwork, “Diffuse Reflection: Where will Your Light Go?”, 2nd Floor Gallery, Fuchu, Tokyo, Japan - 2021 - 2022 Group Art Exhibition, Photography, “Art Viewing Nishi Tama 2021”, Ome Municipal Museum of Art, Ome, Tokyo, Japan - 2021 International Conference Presentation, “Developing an Adaptive, Responsive, Expressive Approach to Kinetic Solar Shading”, Juried “16th Advanced Building Skins Conference & Expo” Bern, Switzerland - 2021 Group Art Exhibition, Artwork, “Sometimes Like a Buddhist Altar”, Shouonji Temple, Kodaira, Tokyo, Japan - 2021 Group Art Exhibition, Photography, “20th Art in Hamura Exhibition”, Hamura City Lifelong Learning Center, Hamura, Tokyo, Japan - 2020, 2021 Solo Photography + Art Exhibition, OHISAMA Gallery Space, Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan - 2020 Group Exhibition, Photography, “Art Range”, Fuchu, Tokyo, Japan - 2020 - 2022 Solo Exhibition, Photography + Artwork, “Liminal +/- Subliminal”, 814 Gallery, Salt Lake City, Utah - 2020 Group Presentation with Shin Tsuchiya, Hiroko Yamamoto and Atsushi Yamamoto, Design Build Education Report, “90th Architectural Institute of Japan 2019 Kanto Chapter Research Report”, Nihon University Faculty of Science and Technology, Kanda, Chiyoda, Tokyo - 2019 - 2020 Group Exhibition, Artwork, “Art Viewing Nishi Tama 2019”, Ome Municipal Museum of Art, Ome, Tokyo, Japan - 2019 Group Exhibition with Shin Tsuchiya, Atsushi Yamamoto, Hiroko Yamamoto and TMU Spatial Design + Interior Design Students, “2019 TMU X U of U Design Build Workshop”, SD Gallery, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Hino, Tokyo, Japan - 2019 Group Exhibition with Jun Murai, Ko Suzuki & Ayano Kunieda, Photography + Artwork, “Genzai: Here & Now”, 2nd Floor Gallery, Fuchu, Tokyo, Japan - 2019 Group Exhibition, Artwork, “19th Art in Hamura Exhibition”, Hamura City Lifelong Learning Center, Hamura, Tokyo, Japan - 2019 Group Exhibition with Jun Murai, Photography + Artwork, “DEBATABLE: What is Experimental Photography?”, 2nd Floor Gallery, Fuchu, Tokyo, Japan - 2019 Group Exhibition with Tetsuaki Baba, Shin Tsuchiya, Kumiko Kushiyama and Ayano Kunieda, “IMSS Progress Exhibition”, SD Gallery, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Hino, Tokyo, Japan - 2018 Shin TSUCHIYA, Verl Adams, “ユタ州立大学デザインビルドブラフ における実践的教育報告“, Session 1: Design Theory, Design and Drafting Education “2018 Japan Graphic Society Fall Conference” Otsuma Women’s University Chiyoda Campus, Tokyo, Japan - 2018 Group Exhibition with Shin Tsuchiya, Atsushi Yamamoto, Hiroko Yamamoto and TMU Spatial Design + Interior Design Students, “Standstill Arc Sky Observatory” 2018 TMU X U of U Design Build Workshop, SD Gallery, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Hino, Tokyo, Japan - 2018 Group Exhibition, Photography, “Art Viewing Ome 2018”, Ome Municipal Museum of Art Citizen Gallery, Ome, Tokyo, Japan - 2017 Group Exhibition with Shin Tsuchiya, Jose Galarza, Atsushi Yamamoto, Hiroko Yamamoto, Yoshimi Iijima and the Spatial Design Studio “A Place for Contemplation and Reflection - A Memorial for Jane Barrett” TMU X U of U Design Build Workshop, SD Gallery, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Hino, Tokyo, Japan - 2016 - 2018, Solo Installation, Photography, "Architecture, Light + Space", Director’s Office, School of Architecture, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah - 2016 Group Exhibition with Kumiko Kushiyama, Tetsuaki Baba, Shin Tsuchiya, Yuki Matsuoka, Saki Yamamoto, Yoshimi Iijima and Kazumi Sato, Symposium and Showcase “Azimuth: Sound/Image - Engaging the Human Sensorium Through Art and New Technologies”, IA Gallery, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Hino, Tokyo, Japan - 2016 Group Presentation with Kumiko Kushiyama, Tetsuaki Baba, Shin Tsuchiya, Yuki Matsuoka, Saki Yamamoto, Yoshimi Iijima and Kazumi Sato, Conference, 建築物とメディア表現技術の統合を目指すインタラクティブな空間構成のためのモジュール構造体: IMSS Project,インタラクティブ発表,インタラクション 2016,一般社団法人情報処理学会,2016 - 2015 - 2016 Solo Installation, Photography, "Reflected Light", Director’s Office, School of Architecture, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah - 2015 Group Presentation with Kumiko Kushiyama, Tetsuaki Baba, Shin Tsuchiya, Yuki Matsuoka, Saki Yamamoto, Yoshimi Iijima and Kazumi Sato, Conference, 建築物の有用性とメディア技術の統合を目指すインタラクティブなスクリーンウォールに関する研究,インタラクション2015,一般社団法人情報処理学会 - 2014 - 2016 Solo Exhibition, Photography, "Reflected Light", 814 Gallery, Salt Lake City, Utah - 2014 Group Demonstration with Kumiko Kushiyama, Tetsuaki Baba, Shin Tsuchiya, Yuki Matsuoka, Saki Yamamoto, Yoshimi Iijima and Kazumi Sato, Conference, “A Study of Interactive Modular Screen Wall Systems: Towards Combining the Beauty and Utility of Architectural Materials with Interactive Media Technologies”, ID:197, Demo, 12th International Conference for Asia Digital Art and Design,15-16 November, 2014 - 2014 Group Exhibition with Kumiko Kushiyama, Tetsuaki Baba, Shin Tsuchiya, Yuki Matsuoka, Saki Yamamoto, Yoshimi Iijima and Kazumi Sato, Conference, “A Study of Interactive Modular Screen Wall Systems: Towards Combining the Beauty and Utility of Architectural Materials with Interactive Media Technologies”, Digital Content Expo 2014, National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, Tokyo, Japan, 23-26 October, 2014 - 2013 Group Installation with Shin Tsuchiya and the Spatial Design Studio, “Memory of the Future”, Tokyo Designer’s Week, Tokyo, Japan - 2013 Group Exhibition, Photography, Juried “Visual Perception / Light and Space”, Utah Arts Festival Gallery, Salt Lake City, Utah - 2012 - 2013 Solo Exhibition, Photography, Juried “Light, Color & Space”, Salt Lake City Public Library, Salt Lake City, Utah - 2012 Group Exhibition, Photography, Juried “Shadows: Darkness & Light” Black Box Gallery, Portland, Oregon - 2012 Group Exhibition, Photography, Juried “Color”, Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition, Brooklyn, New York - 2012 Group Installation, Photography, Invited Artist “Sustain the Granary”, Salt Lake City, Utah - 2012 Group Exhibition, Photography, Juried “Perception”, Utah Arts Festival Gallery, Salt Lake City, Utah - 2011 Group Exhibition & Permanent Installation, Multimedia Art Project Created w/ Ensign Elementary First Grade Students for the Annual Art Stroll, “Nautilus Shells”, Ensign Elementary, Salt Lake City, Utah - 2009 Group Exhibition, Traveling Sketches & Photos, “Intimations: 21 Years of the Roger Bailey Traveling Fellowship”, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah - 2004 Group Performance Installation with Julio Bermudez, Video Projection, “Fabled Sisters”, Oberlin College, Ohio - 2000 Group Exhibition with Julio Bermudez and Jim Agutter, Digital Works, “Architects Do Art”, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah - 1999 Group Exhibition, Master's Project, “Fifty-Year Archives Exhibition”, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah - 1997 Group Exhibition with Julio Bermudez, Video Work, "Visions of the Virtual: Architectural Probings", Juried “Image Architettura in Movimento” (Part of the Internationale Biennale Film und Architektur Graz), “Rassegna Internazionale del Video e del Film d'Architettura”, Universita degli Studi di Firenze, Facolta di Architettura, Firenze, Italy - 1997 Group Exhibition with Julio Bermudez, Video Work "Visions of the Virtual: Architectural Probings", Juried “6th Biennial Symposium on Arts and Technology” Connecticut College Center for the Arts and Technology, New London, Connecticut PUBLICATIONS (SELECTED) - Verl Adams, Tetsuaki Baba, Ayano Kunieda, Shin Tsuchiya and Kumiko Kushiyama “Developing an Adaptive, Responsive and Expressive Approach to Kinetic Solar Shading.” Proceedings of the 16th Advanced Building Skins Conference Bern, Switzerland, (2021): pp 373-383. - Shin Tsuchiya, Verl Adams “東京都立大学インダストリアルアート学科のデザインビルドブラフへの参加” 手で考えて身体でつくる デザイン/ビルド教育の多様性と可能性 日本建築学会建築教育委員会, (2021年9月): pp 43-47 - TSUCHIYA Shin, ADAMS Verl, YAMAMOTO Hiroko, YAMAMOTO Atsushi, 地域文化を 考慮した実践的設計教育の報告: デザインビルドブラフへの参加を通じて2019 年度日本建築学会, 関東支部研究報告集, 2020 年3 月 “Report on Practical Design Education Considering Local Culture - Though Participating in Design Build Bluff.” Proceedings of 90th Architectural Institute of Japan 2019 Kanto Chapter Research Report (March 2020) - 須田 拓也, 國枝 彩乃, 佐藤 輝一, 馬場 哲晃, 土屋 真, 串山 久美子, Adams Verl,建築ファサードおける インタラクティブメディア IMSSの基礎検討とプロトタイピング,研究報告エンタテインメントコンピューティング (EC),2019-EC-51(8),1-5 (2019-02-15), 2188-8914 - Shin TSUCHIYA, Verl ADAMS “ユタ州立大学デザインビルドブラフにおける実践的教育報告“Japan Society for Graphics Science Conference Papers ISSN: 21890072 (2018): pp 19-22 - Yuki MATSUOKA, Saki YAMAMOTO, Yoshimi IIJIMA, Kazumi SATO, Tetsuaki BABA, Shin TSUCHIYA, Kumiko KUSHIYAMA, Verl ADAMS “A Study of Interactive Modular Screen Wall Systems: Towards Combining the Beauty and Utility of Architectural Materials with Interactive Media Technologies”, ID:196, Art Paper, 12th International Conference for Asia Digital Art and Design (2014): pp 15-16. - Bermudez, Julio, and Stefano Foresti, Jim Agutter, Dwaune Westenskow, Noah Syroid, Frank Drews, Elizabeth Tashjian, Adams Verl “Interdisciplinary Methodology Supporting the Design Research & Practice of New Data Representation Architectures.” B.Grimes (ed.): Proceedings of the EAAE/ARCC Research Conference Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland, (2004): pp 223-230. - Bermudez Julio, Foresti Stefano, Agutter Jim, Westenskow Dwaune, Syroid Noah, Drews Frank, Tashjian Elizabeth, Adams Verl “Metodología Interdisciplinaria para Diseñar Nuevas Arquitecturas de Representación de Datos”, in S.Carmena & R.Utges (eds.): Proceedings of SIGraDi 2003 Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina, (2003): pp.334-338 - Adams, Verl “Captured in Flight.” Crit Magazine Volume 43 (1999): pp 30-33. - Bermudez, Julio "Visions of the Virtual: Architectural Probings", in Proceedings of the 6th Biennial Symposium on Arts and Technology Connecticut College Center for the Arts and Technology, New London, Connecticut, (1997): pp 10-13. Outline of Work Produced with Professor Julio Bermudez MEDIA & ACADEMIC REFERENCES (SELECTED) - 2024 Artwork Featured in the U-Forum Art Museum (U-Forum Kunstverein) Newsletter No. 170, 2024.1.10: pp 6-10. - 2023 Artwork Featured in the U-Forum Art Museum (U-Forum Kunstverein) Newsletter No. 169, 2023.11.10: p 1. - 2023 Artwork Featured in the U-Forum Art Museum (U-Forum Kunstverein) Newsletter No. 167, 2023.7.10 p 13. - 2021 Award Winning Photograph Selected to be Included in “The Photographer’s Visual Grammar: Visual Rightness and Aesthetic Preference for Artistic Photographs” doctoral study by Nathalie Vissers and Johan Wagemans, Laboratory of Experimental Psychology, Department of Brain and Cognition, KU Leuven (University of Leuven, Belgium) 2021: pp 17-20, p 56, p 60. - 2021 Photography Featured in “Design Letters: Dear Verl Adams” Article by Alessandro Biamonti, Design Diffusion News ddn 266 2021: pp 52-55. - 2021 Photography Featured in Life Framer’s Online Journal, Feature Article “Inspiration, My Favorite Shot, Nightlife” https://www.life-framer.com/night-life-favorite-shot/ - 2020 Artwork & Bio Included in Art Viewing Nishi Tama 2019 Exhibition Catalogue, 2020: p 20. - 2020 Artwork Included in 19th Art in Hamura Exhibition Catalogue. - 2019 Photography Referenced for “NIGHT LIFE - Inspirational Photography” for the Life Framer International Photography Competition, Night Life Theme. - 2018 Photographic Series & Bio Included in Art Viewing Ome 2018 Exhibition Catalog, 2018: p 4. - 2018 Photography Selected for Life Framer’s Online Journal “Editors’ Pick, Where Soul Meets Body, Faces of Life” https://www.life-framer.com/faces-of-life-editors-pick-2018/ - 2018 Photography Selected by Life Framer for Honorable Mention in ‘After Dark’ https://www.life-fr amer.com/after-dark-2018#iLightbox[gallery-1]/12 - 2017 Photography Selected by LensCulture to be Included in the Online Emerging Talent Competition Gallery https://www.lensculture.com/emerging-talent-awards-2017#competition-gallery - 2017 Photographic Series Selected by Life Framer to be Included in the Life Framer Online Collection https://www.life-framer.com/photographer/verl-adams - 2016 Photography Selected for Life Framer’s Online Journal “Editors’ Pick, Passages of Quiet and Rebel Fragility, Youthhood” https://www.life-framer.com/youthhood-editors-picks` - 2016 Photography Selected for Life Framer’s Online Journal “Editors’ Pick, Instant Gratification in the Digital Age, An Instant” https://www.life-framer.com/an-instant-editors-picks - 2016 Mentioned in Barbara Richard’s Book Darkroom: One Life Developing, A Photographer’s Memoir Salt Lake City: Walter Stone Publishing Company, 2016: p 91. - 2015 Photographs of the (Demolished) Iconic Tokyo Okura Hotel posted on Salt Lake Modern’s Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/SLModern/posts/10153145812542561 - 2015 “The Perception of Light Through Architectural Space” included in 大学技術工房 Volume 5 - 2013 Spatial Design Installation “Memory of the Future” Included in Tokyo Designers Week 2013: All Records Design Association NPO, 2013: p 201. - 2013 Spatial Design Installation Included in Arts Thread Blog (London-Based Media Organization) Entry About the 2013 Tokyo Designer’s Week. - 2012 “In Light” Photographic Series Included in LICC Book No. 05, Finalists of the 2012 London International Creative Competition. - 2012 Photography Included in “Granary Photos” Anything Volume 01 - Fall 2012, AIA Utah Young Architects Forum: pp 20-23. - 2012 Photography included in the Black Box Gallery Exhibition Catalog Shadows: Darkness and Light Portland, OR - 2012 Custom LEED Platinum Residence Produced with Maienza Wilson Featured in Cover Story “Eco Luxury” Article by L.D. Porter, 805 Living Magazine April 2012: Cover + pp 56-61. - 2010 Lake Tahoe House Produced with Paul Warner at Michelle Kaufmann Designs Included in Ryan Smith’s Book Prefab Architecture, A Guide to Modular Design and Construction Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2010: pp 164-165, Acknowledgements p xvii. - 2009 Custom Design Work Included in Michelle Kaufmann’s book: Prefab Green Layton: Gibbs Smith, 2009: p 152, Acknowledgments p 163. - 2000 - 2008 Design Work, “Information Architecture” Stock Market Visualization for CROMDI (Center for the Representation of Multi-Dimensional Information) Images and Video Used by CROMDI in Scholarly Papers, Publications, Conferences, Exhibitions and Promotional Materials. - 1999 Video Stills Produced with Professor Julio Bermudez Included in Peter Anders’ Book: Envisioning Cyberspace: Designing 3D Electronic Spaces New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999: Plates 5, 6 & 7. - 1999 Master’s Project Included in Graduate School of Architecture: Fifty Years of Building Excellence University of Utah, Salt Lake City (1999) - 1998 Image of Studio Work Included in Crit Magazine Volume 41 1998: Inside Front Cover Photo. - 1998 Photograph of the Historic Utah Capitol Theatre Included in Utah Preservation Volume 2 1998: Backside Cover Photo. |
受 賞 | - 2023 Honorable Mention in ‘Color’ Photography Contest by Refocus Awards, Minimalism | Professional Entry - 2022 Honorable Mention in ‘Black & White’ Photography Contest by Refocus Awards, Architecture | Professional Entry - 2018 Editors’ Pick in ‘Faces of Life’, Life Framer International Photography Competition - 2018 Honorable Mention in ‘After Dark’, Life Framer International Photography Competition - 2016 Editors’ Pick in ‘Youthhood’, Life Framer International Photography Competition - 2016 Editors’ Pick in ‘An Instant’, Life Framer International Photography Competition - 2012 Finalist in the 5th Annual London International Creative Competition for ‘In Light’ Photographic Series - 2012 Juror Award of Merit in the Experimental Category, International Fine Art Photography Competition: Grand Prix de la Decouverte, Paris, France |
主な学会活動 | ASSOCIATIONS - 2019 Architectural Institute of Japan, Kanto Chapter - 2019 Tama Artist & Citizen Network - 2019 GENZAI Forum (Artist Group) - 2011 Architecture, Culture & Spirituality Forum (ACSF) - 2009 American Institute of Architects (AIA) CA East Bay Chapter - 2009 Certified by the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) - 2009 Registered Architect (RA), Utah - 1998-1999 AIAS University of Utah Chapter, Vice President - 1997 Phi Kappa Phi Honors Society - 1996-1997 Kennecott Scholar Society, Vice President |
社会等との関わり | ― |
個人のURL |
http://www.verladams.com http://www.verlanceladams.com https://www.lensculture.com/verl-adams |
担当科目 |
オフィスアワー | ― |
研究室 | Spatial Design Studio |
内線番号 | Extension 8461 |
メールアドレス |
![]() (メールを送信される場合は●を@に変換してください) |
研究室サイト等 | ― |