氏名 | 藤江 裕道(フジエ ヒロミチ / FUJIE Hiromichi) |
職位 | 教授 |
所属 | 機械システム工学科 機械システム工学域
知能機械システムコース 知能機械システム学域 |
年報 | 201720152013201220112010 |

国内外の臨床医とバイオメカニクスに関する共同研究を行っています。ロボット工学を用いた特殊な方法により、生体組織の力学機能や外科手術の最適条件を求 めています。また、iPS細胞などの幹細胞の培養にマイクロ加工技術や荷重下培養技術を導入し、組織再生材料の創成を行っています。医工学におけるブレー クスルーと人類のQOL向上を目指します。
専門・研究分野 | バイオメカニクス,バイオトライボロジー,組織再生工学,整形外科学 |
最終学歴・学位 | 東京工業大学総合理工学研究科システム科学修士課程修了・博士(工学)(京都大学) |
研究テーマ | 関節バイオメカニクス(生体関節・人工関節) バイオトライボロジー 幹細胞による組織再生工学 ナノ・マイクロバイオメカニクス |
研究キーワード | 関節バイオメカニクス,トライボロジー,幹細胞,組織再生工学, |
研究業績・著書・論文、その他それに準じる業績 | I 著書 1. Fujie H, Chapter 6: Mechanical propertyes and biomechanical function of the ACL (ACL injury and its treatment, Ochi M, Shino K, Yasuda K, Kurisaka M, Eds), Tokyo: Springer; 2016, 69-77. 2. 藤江裕道. バイオメカニクスからみた膝関節の機能(最新整形外科学体系17巻(膝関節・大腿),越智隆弘編), 東京: 中山書店; 2006, 13-30. 3. 藤江裕道, 関節力学試験システムを用いた膝靭帯機能に関する研究-特に手術術式の観点から-(膝靭帯損傷の診断治療マニュアル, 宗田 大編), 東京: 全日本病院出版; 2002, 1-7. 4. 藤江裕道, 生体力学(バイオメカニクス・運動学)(膝関節の外科, 廣畑和志,豊島良太,越智光夫編), 東京: 医学書院; 1996, 16-22. 5. Fujie H, Woo SL-Y, Livesay GA, Mabuchi K, Application of robotics to studies of joint biomechanics (Clinical Biomechanics and Related Research, Hirasawa Y, Sledge CB, Woo SL-Y, Eds), Tokyo: Springer-Verlag; 1994, 81-95. その他 II 総説 1. 藤江裕道, 関節軟骨に学ぶトライボロジー, トライボロジスト 2016; 61(4): 228-234. 2. 藤江裕道, 山川学志, 運動器動作・疾患解析に有用な関節力学試験ロボットシステム, 関節外科 2016; 35(11): 1160-1166. 3. 藤江裕道, 軟骨のバイオメカニクス-材料物性と摩擦挙動-(特集/骨・関節のバイオメカニクス-最近の進歩), 整形・災害外科 2012; 55 11: 1293-1299. 4. 藤江裕道, ロボットシステムを用いた靭帯再建術の評価, 関節外科 2005; 24(4) 494-501. その他 III 原著 1. Mutsuzaki H, Fujie H, Nakajima H, Fukagawa M, Nomura S, Sakane M, Comparison of postoperative biomechanical function between anatomic double-bundle and single-bundle ACL reconstructions using calcium phosphate-hybridized tendon grafts in goats, Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research, 2017; 103: pp. 239-243. 2. Debski ED, Yamakawa S, Musahl V, Fujie H, Use of robotic manipulateors to study diarthrodial joint function, J. Biomechanical Engineering (Transactions of the ASME), 2017; 139: 020807-1 ? 020807-7. 3. Yamakawa S, Debski ED, Fujie H, Strain distribution in the anterior cruciate ligament in response to anterior drawer force to the knee, J. Biomechanical Science and Engineering, in press. 4. Fujie, H., Oya, K., Tani, Y., Suzuki, K., Nakamura, N., Stem cell-based self-assembled tissues cultured on a nano-periodic-structured surface patterned using femtosecond laser processing, Int J Automation Technology, 2016; 10(1): 55-61. doi: 10.20965/ijat.2016.p0055. 5. Mutsuzaki H, Fujie H, Nakajima H, Fukagawa M, Nomura S, Sakane M., Effect of calcium phosphate-hybridized tendon graft in anatomic single-bundle ACL reconstruction in goats, Orthop J Sports Med, 2016 Aug 23; 4(8): 2325967116662653. 6. Kobayashi T, Yamakawa S, Watanabe K, Kimura Kei, Suzuki D, Otsubo H, Teramoto A, Fujimiya M, Fujie H, Yamashita T, The in situ force in the calcaneofibular ligament and the contribution of this ligament to ankle joint stability. Clinical Biomechanics, 2016; 40: pp. 8-13. 7. Shimomra K, Moriguchi Y, Nansai R, Fujie H, Ando W, Horibe S, Hart DA, Gobbi A, Yoshikawa H, Nakamura N, Comparison of 2 different formulateons of artificial bone for a hybrid implant with a tissue-engineered construct derived from sunovial mesenchymal stem cells: A study using a rabbit osteochondral defect model, American Journal of Sports Medicine, 2016 Oct; Published Online. 8. Shimomura K, Ando W, Moriguchi Y, Sugita N, Yasui Y, Koizumi K, Fujie H, Hart DH, Yoshikawa H, Nakamura N, Next generation mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)?based cartilage repair using scaffold-free tissue engineered constructs generated with synovial mesenchymal stem cells, Cartilage, April 2015; vol. 6, 2 suppl: pp. 13S-29S. 9. Fujie, H., Imade, K., Effects of low tangentiall permeability in the superficiall layer on the frictional property of articular cartilage, Biosurface and Biotribology; 2015 June; 1(2): 124-129. doi:10.1016/j.bsbt.2015.06.001. 10. Fujie, H., Nansai, R., Ando, W., Shimomura, K., Moriguchi, Y., Hart, DA., Nakamura, N., Zone-specific integrated cartilage repair using a scaffold-free tissue engineered construct derived from allogenic synovial mesenchymal stem cells: Biomechanical and histological assessments, J Biomechanics, 2015 November; 48(15): 4101-4108. doi:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2015.10.015 11. Shimomura, K., Ando, W., Moriguchi, Y., Sugita, N., Yasui, Y., Koizumi, K., Fujie, H., Hart, DA, Yoshikawa, H., Nakamura, N., Next generation mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)?based cartilage repair using scaffold-free tissue engineered constructs generated with synovial mesenchymal stem cells, Cartilage, 2015; 6: 13-29. 12. Suzuki, T., Shino, K., Otsubo, H., (...), Yamashita, T., Fujie, H., Biomechanical comparison between the rectangular-tunnel and the round-tunnel anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction procedures with a bone-patellar tendon-bone graft, Arthroscopy, 2014; 30(10): 1294-1302. 13. Shimomura K, Moriguchi Y, Ando W, Nansai R, Fujie H, Hart DA, Gobbi A, Kita K, Horibe S, Shino K, Yoshikawa H, Nakamura N, Osteochondral repair using a scaffold-free tissue engineered construct derived from synovial MSCs and a hydroxyaptite-based artificial bone, Tissue Engineering Part A, 2014; 20: 2291-2304. 14. Kanno N, Hara Y, Fukano S, Fujie H, Ochi H, Fujita Y, Yasuji H, Nezu Y, Yogo T, Tagawa M, Tibial displacement with stifle joint flexion and cranial cruciate ligament transection in the dog, Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 2014; 27(4): 277-284. 15. Mochizuki C, Hara H, Oya K, Aoki S, Hayakawa T, Fujie H, Sato M, Behaviors of MC3T3-E1 cells on carbonated apatite films, with a characteristic network structure, fabricated on a titanium plate by aqueous spray coating, Materials Sciense and Engineering C, 2014; 39: 245-252. 16. Hashimoto S, Sato F, Hino H, Fujie H, Iwata H, Sakatani Y, Responses of cells to flow in vitro, Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 2013; 11(5): 20-27. 17. Fujie H, Nakamura N, Frictional properties of articular cartilage-like tissues repaired with a mesenchymal stem cell-based tissue engineered construct, Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2013 Jul; 2013: 401-4. 18. Oya K, Aoki S, Shimomura K, Sugita N, Suzuki S, Nakamura N, and Fujie H, Morphological observations of mesenchymal stem cell adhesion to a nano-periodic structured titanium surface patterned using femtosecond laser processing, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2012; 51: 125203-1〜125203-7. 19. Ando W, Fujie H, Moriguchi Y, Nansai R, Shimomura K, Hart DA, Yoshikawa H, Nakamura N, Detection of abnormalities in the superficial zone of cartilage repaired using a tissue engineered construct derived from synovial stem cells, e Cells and Materials Journal, 2012; 24: 292-307. 20. Nansai R, Suzuki T, Shimomura K, Ando W, Nakamura N, and Fujie H, Surface morphology and stiffness of cartilage-like tissue repaired with a scaffold-free tissue engineered construct, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering 2011; 6: 40-48. 21. Fujie H, Otsubo H, Fukano S, Suzuki T, Suzuki D, Mae T, and Shino K, Mechanical functions of the three bundles consisting of the human anterior cruciate ligament, Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2011; 19: 47-53. 22. Mutsuzaki H, Sakane M, Fujie H, Hattori S, Kobayashi H, Ochiai N, The effect of calcium phosphate hybridized tendon graft on biomechanical behavior in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in a goat model: Novel technique for improving tendon-bone healing, American Journal of Sports Medicine 2011; 39: 1059-1066. 23. Shimomura K, Ando W, Tateishi K, Nansai R, Fujie H, Nakamura N, The influence of skeletal maturity on allogenic synovial mesenchymal stem cell-based repair of cartilage in a large animal model, Biomaterials 2010; 31: 8004-8011. 24. Katakai D, Imura M, Ando W, Tateishi T, Yoshikawa H, Nakamura N, and Fujie H, Compressive properties of cartilage-like tissues repaired in vivo with scaffold-free, tissue engineered constructs, Clinical Biomechanics 2009; 21: 110-116 25. Ando W, Tateishi K, Katakai D, Hart DA,.Higuchi C,.Nakata K, Hashimoto J, Fujie H, Shino K, Yoshikawa H, Nakamura N, In vitro generation of a scaffold-free tissue-engineered construct (TEC) derived from human synovial mesenchymal stem cells: Biological and mechanical properties and further chondrogenic potential, Tissue Engineering Part A 2008;.14(12): 2041-2049. 26. Mae T, Shino K, Nakata K, Toritsuka Y, Otsubo H, and Fujie H, Optimization of graft fixation at the time of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction Part II: Effect of knee flexion angle, The American Journal of Sports Medicine 2008(6); 36(6): 1094-1100. 27. Mae T, Shino K, Nakata K, Toritsuka, Otsubo H, and Fujie H, Optimization of graft fixation at the time of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction Part I: Effect of initial tension, The American Journal of Sports Medicine 2008(6); 36(6): 1087-1093. 28. Ando W, Tateishi K, Hart DA, Katakai D, Tanaka Y, Nakata K, Hashimoto J, Fujie H, Shino K, Yoshikawa H, and Nakamura N, Cartilage repair using a novel in vitro generated scaffold-free tissue engineered construct derived from porcine synovial mesenchymal stem cells, Biomaterials 2007(12); 28: 5462-5470. 29. Terrier A, Miyagaki J, Fujie H, Hayashi K, and Rakotomanana L, Delay of intracortical bone remodelling following a stress change: A theoretical and experimental study, Clinical Biomechanics 2005(11); 20(9): 998-1006. 30. Fujie H, Sekito T, and Orita A, A novel robotic system for joint biomechanical tests: Application to the human knee joint, J. Biomechanical Engineering (Transactions of the ASME) 2004; 126: 54-61. 31. Fujie H, Miyagaki J, Terrier A, Rakotomanana L, Leyvraz P, and Hayashi K, Detraining effects on the mechanical properties and morphology of rat tibiae, Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering 2004; 14(2): 219-233. 32. Mae T, Shino K, Miyama T, Shinjo H, Ochi T, Yoshikawa H, and Fujie H, Single- versus two-femoral socket anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction technique: Biomechanical analysis using a robotic simulator, Arthroscopy 2001; 17(7): 708-716. 33. Fujie H, Yamamoto N, Murakami T, and Hayashi K, Effects of growth on the response of the rabbit patellar tendon to stress shielding: A biomechanical study, Clinical Biomechanics 2000; 15(5): 370-378. 34. Fujie H, Livesay GA, Fujita M, and Woo SL-Y, Forces and moments in six-DOF at the human knee joint: Mathematical description for control, J. Biomechanics 1996; 29(12): 1577-1585. 35. Mabuchi K, and Fujie H, The use of robotics technology to measure the friction in animal joints, Clinical Biomechanics 1996; 11(3): 121-125. 36. Livesay GA, Fujie H, Kashiwaguchi S, Morrow DA, Fu FH. and Woo SL-Y, Determination of the in situ forces and force distribution within the human anterior cruciate ligament, Annals of Biomedical Engineering 1995; 23: 467-474. 37. Harner CD, Livesay GA, Kashiwaguchi S, Fujie H, Choi NY, and Woo SL-Y, Comparative study of the size and shape of human anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments, Journal of Orthopedic Research 1995; 13: 429-434. 38. Fujie H, Livesay GA, Woo SL-Y, Kashiwaguchi S, and Blomstrom G, The use of a universal force-moment sensor to determine in-situ forces in ligaments: A new methodology, J. Biomechanical Engineering (Transactions of the ASME) 1995; 117(1): 1-7, 1995. 39. Fujie H, Mabuchi K, Woo SL-Y, Livesay GA, Arai S, and Tsukamoto Y, The use of robotics technology to study human joint kinematics: A new methodology, J. Biomechanical Engineering (Transactions of the ASME), 1993; 115(3): 211-217. 40. Mabuchi K, Hayatsu K, Fujie H, and Yamamoto M, Stiffness of canine stifle joint ligaments at relatively high rates of elongation, J. Biomechanical Engineering (Transactions of the ASME) 1991; 11: 404-409. その他 |
受 賞 | 1993年7月23日 日本機械学会バイオエンジニアリング部門瀬口賞 2006年3月10日 日本機械学会関東支部貢献賞 2011年 Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering (JBSE) Papers of the Year受賞 2016年1月 日本機械学会バイオエンジニアリング部門業績賞 2017年10月 臨床バイオメカニクス最優秀論文賞 2018年 Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering (JBSE) Papers of the Year受賞 |
主な学会活動 | 日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会, 理事,評議員 日本機械学会バイオエンジニアリング部門部門長 Journal of Biemechanical Scienceand Engineering, Associate Editor 臨床バイオメカニクス,副編集委員長 日本機械学会誌, 編集委員 International Symposium on Ligament & Tendon (ISLT), International Board Member バイオトライボロジー研究会, 世話人 |
社会等との関わり | ― |
個人のURL | ― |
担当科目 |
オフィスアワー | 月 16:10-17:00 |
研究室 | 南大沢キャンパス9号館-456 |
内線番号 | 4282 |
メールアドレス |
![]() (メールを送信される場合は●を@に変換してください) |
研究室サイト等 | http://www.sd.tmu.ac.jp/fujielab |