藤江 裕道(フジエ ヒロミチ) 2010年度
著 書
1) Effects of culture period and cell density on the mechanical property of the stem cell-based self-assembled tissue (scSAT) , World Congress on Biomechanics, Singapore, August
2) Compressive property of cartilage-like tissues repaired with an interconnected porous hydroxyapatite containing bone morphogenetic protein, World Congress on Biomechanics, Singapore, August
3) Effect of microgroove depth of a micro pattern-processed glass plate on the tensile properties of stem cell-based self-assembled tissues (scSAT), World Congress on Biomechanics, Singapore, August
4) Finite element analysis of cartilage-like repaired tissue using a fiber-reinforced poroelastic model, World Congress on Biomechanics, Singapore, August
5) 間葉系幹細胞を用いた修復軟骨の力学特性, 日本機械学会総会, 9月
6) Depth-dependent healing strength of cartilage-like tissue to host cartilage: Application of a stem cell-based tissue engineered construct, International Symposium on Cartilage Repair Society, 9月
7) マイクロパターン加工培養皿により異方性を付与した幹細胞自己生成組織(scSAT)の動的引張荷重に対する応答, 日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会, 10月
8) ロボットシステムを用いた関節バイオメカニクスの研究, 日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会, 10月
9) 有限要素解析による関節軟骨内水分移動の解析, 日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会, 10月
10) ロボットシステムを用いたイヌ脛骨プラトー水平化骨切り術の評価, 日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会, 10月
11) 前十字靭帯張力作用位置の解析, 日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会, 10月
12) ヒト滑膜由来細胞の基質生成能に及ぼす凍結解凍の影響, 日本機械学会バイオフロンテティア講演会, 11月
13) A novel robotic system capable of simulating physiological knee motions using a high-speed displacement/force control, International Symposium on Ligaments and Tendons, January
14) Resident’s ridge formation is explained by stress/strain-induced bone remodeling, International Symposium on Ligaments and Tendons, January
15) A novel robotic system and ACL force-induced ridge formation, International Symposium on Ligaments and Tendons, January
16) Effects of cell freezing and thawing on the mechanical properties of a stem cell-based self-assembled tissue (scSAT), International Symposium on Ligaments and Tendons, January
17) High-accurate analysis of the point of application of ligament force: A novel calibration method of the universal force-moment sensor, International Symposium on Ligaments and Tendons, January
18) Tensile property of stem cell-based self-assembled tissues (scSAT) cultured on micro-pattern processed glass plates with various microgroove depth, International Symposium on Ligaments and Tendons, January
19) Biomechanical assessment of the anatomical rectangular tunnel ACL reconstruction using a BTB graft, Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, January
20) Tensile property of stem cell-based self-assembled tissues (scSAT) depends on the microgroove depth of micro pattern-processed glass plate, Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, January
21) 細胞の凍結解凍が幹細胞自己生成組織の力学特性におよぼす影響, バイオトライボロジシンポジウム, 3月
22) 多孔質弾性体モデルによる関節軟骨潤滑メカニズムの解析, バイオトライボロジシンポジウム, 3月
23) 前十字靱帯付着部骨形態の力学的適応, バイオトライボロジシンポジウム, 3月
1) The influence of skeletal maturity on allogenic synovial mesenchymal stem cell-based repair of cartilage in a large animal model, Shimomura K, Ando W, Tateishi K, Nansai R, Fujie H, Nakamura N, et al, Biomaterials 31, 2010
2) The effect of calcium phosphate hybridized tendon graft on biomechanical behavior in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in a goat model: Novel technique for improving tendon-bone healing, Mutsuzaki H, Sakane M, Fujie H, Hattori S, Kobayashi H, Ochiai N, American Journal of Sports Medicine doi:10.1177/0363546510390427, 2011
3) 滑膜由来間葉系細胞により生成した組織再生材料(TEC)による修復軟骨のミクロ・マクロスケール圧縮特性,南斎,藤江,他,日本機械学会論文集C編76, 2010
4) 体性幹細胞ベース・スキャフォールドフリー組織再生材料による軟骨修復,藤江,南斎,他,材料の科学と工学47, 2010
5) Surface morphology and stiffness of cartilage-like tissue repaired with a scaffold-free tissue engineered construct, Nansai R, Susa T, and Fujie H, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering 6, 2011
6) マイクロパターン加工培養皿による幹細胞自己生成組織(scSAT)の異方性付与, 須玉,藤江,齊藤,江村,下村,中村, 臨床バイオメカニクス31, 2010(研究奨励賞受賞)
7) Effect of microgroove depth of a micro pattern-processed glass plate on the tensile properties of stem cell based self-assembled tissues (scSAT), Sudama H, Emura R, Shimomura K, Nakamura N and Fujie H, IFMBE Proceedings 31, 2010