Ahmad Eibo, Toshiyuki Yamashita and Keiko Kasamatsu,Japanese Perception of Arabic and English Corporate Logos,Arab Journal Science & Research,2016.
Ahmad Eibo, Toshiyuki Yamashita and Keiko Kasamatsu, Comparative Analyses on Logo Image Designs between Arab and Japan , International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (IJDIWC), Vol. 7, Issue (1), 1-9, 2017.
Ayami Ejiri, Keiko Kasamatsu, THE STRESS RELIEF EFFECTS OF WRIST WARMING AFTER MENTAL WORKLOAD, International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (IJDIWC), No.1, vol.7, pp.18-25, 2017.
Takeo Ainoya, Keiko Kasamatsu, Effect of Physiological and Psychological Conditions by Aroma and Color on VDT Task, HCII2016, Human Interface and the Management of Information:Information, Design and Interaction Volume 9734 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.475–482, 2016.
Takeo Ainoya, Keiko Kasamatsu, Kouhei Shimizu, and Akio Tomita, Service Robot Development with Design Thinking, Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 9th International Conference, ICIRA 2016, Proceedings, Part II, pp.102-109 2016.
Erina Kakehashi, Keiko Kasamatsu, Keiichi Muramatsu, Proposal for a swallowtail butterflies color scheme collection for CMF design based on Kansei representation, KEER2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON KANSEI ENGINEERING AND EMOTION RESEARCH, 2016
Ahmad Eibo, Toshiyuki Yamashita and Keiko Kasamatsu, Japanese People Perception of Corporate Logo and Product Design Images in Japan and Arabia, ICESS2016 Proceedings, pp.137-144, 2016.
Ayami Ejiri, Keiko Kasamatsu, The Psychological Responses of Wrists Warming After Mental Workload, ICESS2016 Proceedings, pp.145-148, 2016.
Takeo Ainoya, Yui Tanaka, Keiko Kasamatsu, VR Simulation Verification for the Space Design with the Tactile Reaction, Proceedings of The International Display Workshops, Volume 23, pp.23-26, 2016.