Compressive Behavior of Open-Cell Titanium Foams with Different Unit Cell Geometries: X. Yue, K. Matsuo, K. Kitazono, Mater. Trans. 11, (2017) 1587-1592.
F. Asai, H. Fukazawa, K. Kitazono: Energy absorption efficiency of open-cell carbon foams, Metfoam 2017, 2017年9月.
Y. Sugiyama, T. Miura, K. Kitazono: Effects of heat treatment on compressive behaviors of porous aluminum manufactured through selective laser melting, Metfoam2017, 2017年9月.
K. Maruyama, X. Yue, K. Kitazono: Evaluation of local strain distribution during compressive deformation of open-cell porous metals, Metfoam2017, 2017年9月.
X. Yue, K. Matsuo, K. Kitazono: Effects of cell geometry on compressive deformation of open-cell titanium foams, Metfoam2017, 2017年9月.
K. Kitazono, R. Tada, Y. Sugiyama, T. Miura: Impact energy absorbing system for space lander using hemispherical open-cell porous aluminum, Metfoam2017, 2017年9月 (Invited).