R. Ishibashi, H. Ochi, T. Oda, R. Okuda, K. Umeda, K. Tahara, H. Kino. A. Kojima: A Proposal of a SMA actuated wing mechanism using flexible structure for the capability of various flow speeds, Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (IEEE ROBIO) 2014, pp 2673-2678, Indonesia, 2014
Kotaro Hashikura and Akira Kojima: H2 preview control based on partial information,
Proc. of 33rd Chinese Control Conference, pp. 9008–9015, Nanjing, China, Jul. 28–30, 2014.
Akira Kojima: H-infinity filtering for a system with uncertain preview information, Proc. of 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 4398–4403, Los Angeles, U.S.A., Dec. 15–17, 2014
2014年度 計測自動制御学会 論文賞・武田賞
大学評価・学位授与機構 専門委員
計測自動制御学会Annual Conference委員会委員・アドバイザ
計測自動制御学会学会賞委員会委員SICE Annual Conference 2014, Award 委員会委員長