Yuma KINOSHITA, Sayaka SHIOTA, and Hitoshi KIYA, “Fast Inverse Tone Mapping Based on Reinhard's Global Operator with Estimated Parameters,” IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol.E100-A, no.11, pp.2248–2255, November 2017.
Yuma KINOSHITA, Sayaka SHIOTA, and Hitoshi KIYA, “Reinhard’s Global Operator Based Inverse Tone Mapping with One Parameter,” Proc. International Workshop on Signal Design and its Applications in Communications, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, 25th September, 2017.
Artit VISAVAKITCHAROEN, Hiroyuki KOBAYASHI, Sayaka SHIOTA, and Hitoshi KIYA, “Compression Performance of Extended JPEG XT Under Various TMOs,” Proc. IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, Nagoya, Japan, 24th October, 2017.
Yusuke Sugawara, Sayaka SHIOTA, and Hitoshi KIYA, “A Parallel Computation Algorithm for Super-Resolution Methods Using Convolutional Neural Networks,” Proc. APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 12th December, 2017.
Yuma KINOSHITA, Taichi YOSHIDA, Sayaka SHIOTA, and Hitoshi KIYA, “Pseudo Multi-Exposure Fusion Using a Single Image,” Proc. APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, pp.263–269, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 13th December, 2017.
塩田さやか, "音声を用いた生体認証技術、話者照合ソフトウェア入門," システム制御情報学会, Vol. 62, No. 2, pp. 1-6, 2018.