Shibata, Yasukuni, et al. "Comparison of CO2 Vertical Profiles in the Lower Troposphere between 1.6 µm Differential Absorption Lidar and Aircraft Measurements Over Tsukuba." Sensors 18.11 (2018): 4064.
Yasukuni Shibata, Chikao Nagasawa, Makoto Abo, Measurement of CO2 mixing ratio profiles using ground based 3-wavelength 1.6 μm CO2-DIAL with temperature measurement techniques in the lower-atmosphere, 19th Coherent Laser Radar Conference, No.Th11, 2018
Yasukuni Shibata, Chikao Nagasawa, Makoto Abo , Lidar observations of CO2 concentration and temperature profiles in the lower atmosphere, SPIE Remote Sensing 2018, No.1079108, 2018
C. Nagasawa, Y. Shibata, M. Abo, CO2 Mixing Ratio, Temperature and Aerosol Profles in the Lower Atmosphere Obtained Simultaneously by Ground-based 1.6 μm CO2-DIAL, 2018 AGU Fall Meeting, No.A31P-3164, 2018
Y. Shibata, C. Nagasawa, M. Abo, Diurnal Variation of Atmospheric CO2 in the Boundary Layer by Three-wavelength 1.6 μm CO2-DIAL, 2018 AGU Fall Meeting, No.A34G-03, 2018
M. Kato, Y. Shibata and Y. Okawa, Development of Portable Differential Absorption Lidar for SO2 density profile measurement, 2018 AGU Fall Meeting, No.A33H-3237, 2018