下川原 英理(シモカワラ エリ) 2010年度
[1] Takahiro Iijima, Eri Sato-Shimokawara, and Toru Yamaguchi, Domestic Robot System Considering Generalize, SICE Annual Conference 2010, The Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.390-391 (August 18-21, 2010)
[2] Yihsin Ho, Tomomi Shibano, Eri sato-Shimokawara, Toru Yamaguchi, An indoor location-base smart information offering system by augmented reality on Smartphone, The International Symposium on Intelligent Systems (iFAN 2010), Paper No. 524 (September 25-26, 2010)
[3] Yihsin Ho, Tomomi Shibano, Eri sato-Shimokawara, and Toru Tamaguchi, System of Recognizing Human Action by Mining in Time-Series Motion Logs and Applications, The 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2010), Taipei International Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.3447-3452 (October 18-22, 2010)
[5] Yihsin Ho, Tomomi Shibano, Kazumasa Murakami, Eri Sato-Shimokawara and Toru Yamaguchi, A Smart Information Offering System by Mining Time Series Motion Logs, Joint 5th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 11th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS2010), Okayama, Okayama Convention Center, pp1289-1294, (December 8-12, 2010).