楊 明(ヤン ミン) 2018年度




  1. The Optimization of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes'Synthesis According to the Selected Parameters, Materials Science Forum, Vol.937, pp.9-16, Ewelina Pabjanczyk-Wlazlo, Yuma Suzuki, Yungo Onoda, Tetsuhide Shimizu, Ming Yang, doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.937.9, 2018年10月
  2. Smart metal forming with digital process and IoT, International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacure 1(2018)pp.207-214, Ming Yang, 10.1016/j.promfg.2018.07.287, 2018年10月
  3. Shearing characteristics in ultrasonic vibration-assisted piercing of fine-grained stainless steel foils, Procedia Manufacturing 15(2018)pp.627-632, Ken Mita, Jun Hu, Tetsuhide Shimizu, Ming Yang, 10.1016/j.promfg.2018.07.287, 2018年9月
  4. Precision stamping process of metal micro gears, Procedia Manufacturing 15(2018)pp.1445-1451, Yohei Suzuki, Tomomi Shiratori, Masao Murakawa, Ming Yang, 10.1016/j.promfg.2018.07.336, 2018年9月
  5. Geometrical design of micro-textured DLC coatings toward lubricant-free metal forming, MATEC Web of Coferences 190,13001(2018),ICNFT2018, Tetsuhide Shimizu, Hironori Kan, Hamza Messaoudi, Frank Vollertsen, Ming Yang, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, 2018年9月
  6. Effect of DC pulsed-current on deformation behavior of magnesium alloy thin sheets, Procedia Manufacuring 15(2018)pp.1663-1670, Ichsan Indhiarto, Tetsuhide Shimizu, Tsuyoshi Furushima, Ming Yang, 10.1016/j.promfg.2018.07.270, 2018年9月
  7. Deformation and transformation behavior in micropiercing of SUS304, Procedia Manufacturing 15(2018)pp.1452-1458, Tomomi Shiratori, Tomoaki Yoshino, Yohei Suzuki, Masahito Katoh, Shizuka Nakano, Ming Yang, 10.1016/j.promfg.2018.07.335, 2018年9月
  8. An integrated precise egineering for micro forming, MATEC Web of Coferences 190,01003(2018),ICNFT2018, Ming YANG, Tetsuhide Shimizu, Jun Hu, Tomomi Shiratori, https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201819001003, 2018年9月
  9. Investigation on ultgrasonic volume effects: Stress superposition, acoustic softening and dynamic impact, Ultrasonics-Sonochemistry 48(2018)pp.240-248, Jun Hu, Tetsuhide Shimizu, Ming Yang, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultsonch.2018.05.039, 2018年7月
  10. Ultrasonic dynamic impact effect on deformation of aluminum during micro-compression tests, Journal of Materials Processing Tech.258(2018)pp.144-154, Jun Hu, Tetsuhide Shimizu, Tomoaki Yoshino, Tomomi Shiratori, Ming Yang, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2018.03.021, 2018年4月

  1. 大電力パルス通電下におけるAZ31マグネシウム合金箔材の単軸引張変形特性, 平成30年度塑性加工春季講演会, Ichsan Indhiarto, 清水徹英, 古島剛, 楊明, 2018年6月
  2. 原子層堆積法によるSiC/hBNナノ多層膜の形成と耐チタン凝着特性評価, 平成30年度塑性加工春季講演会, 石丸兼, 金勇, 安原重雄, 森河和雄, 木原武志, 清水徹英, 楊明, 2018年6月
  3. 微細粒SUS304薄板材のマイクロ打ち抜き加工特性に及ぼす超音波振動の影響, 平成30年度塑性加工春季講演会, 三田賢, 白鳥智美, 清水徹英, 楊明, 2018年6月

  1. Development of Device with Vertically Aligned CNTs for Stretch Stimulation of Neuron Cell, The 5th Asian Symposium on Material and Processing (ASMP2018), Mitsuhiko Ito, Tetsuhide Shimizu, Naoya Sakamoto, Ming Yang, 2018年12月
  2. Influence of Blanking Methods and Conditions on the Shape Accuracy and Surface Precision in Metal Forming of Micro Gears, The 5th Asian Symposium on Material and Processing (ASMP2018), Yohei Suzuki, Tomomi Shiratori, Ming Yang, Masao Murakawa, 2018年12月
  3. Evolution of ion flux composition in reactive HiPIMS of zirconium oxide under peak current regulation by pulse frequency control, RSD2018, T. Shimizu, S. Adzhani, S. Ikeda, M. Yang, N. Britun, S. Konstantinidis, 2018年12月
  4. The effect of pulse frequency under peak current regulation in reactive HiPIMS of magnesium oxide, RSD2018, S. Adzhani, H. Komiya, Y. Teranishi, M. Yang, T. Shimizu, 2018年12月
  5. Development of a novel resistance heating system for microforming by modifying surface of dies and evaluation of its heating property, The 11th Asian Workshop on Micro/Nano Forming Technology (AWMFT2018), Ming Yang, Ryota Ogura, Tetsuhide Shimizu, 2018年11月
  6. Effect of laser surface texturing patterns on lubrication properties in micro-sheet metal forming, The 11th Asian Workshop on Micro/Nano Forming Technology (AWMFT2018), Tetsuhide Shimizu, Hironori Kobayashi, Ming Yang, 2018年11月
  7. Effects of ultrasonic vibration on micro-compression behavior and microstructure of copper, The 11th Asian Workshop on Micro/Nano Forming Technology (AWMFT2018), Jun Hu, Tetsuhide Shimizu, Ming Yang, 2018年11月
  8. Synthesis of SiC/hBN Nano-laminated Coating Films by Atomic Layer Deposition and its Anti-adhesive Properties for
  9. Titanium, The 11th Asian Workshop on Micro/Nano Forming Technology (AWMFT2018), Ken Ishimaru,Jin Yong, Shigeo Yasuhara, Tetsuhide Shimizu, Ming Yang, 2018年11月
  10. Reactive HiPIMS deposition of MgO thinfilms using peak current regulation and its in-vitro corrosion performance for medical applicaiton, The 16th International Conference on Plasma Surface engineering (PSE2018), Silmina Adzhani, Hidetoshi Komiya, Ana Beatriz Chaar, Yoshikazu Teranishi, Tetsuhide Shimizu, Ming Yang, 2018年9月
  11. Effect of ion-to-neutral ratio on thickness distribution of Ti and Al films on inner wall of small hole deposited by HiPIMS, The 16th International Conference on Plasma Surface engineering (PSE2018), Hidetoshi Komiya, Tetsuhide Shimizu, Ana Beatriz Chaar, Yoshikazu Teranishi, Ming Yang, 2018年9月
  12. Shearing characteristics in ultrasonic vibration-assisted piercing of fine-grained stainless steel foils, The 17th International Conference on Metal Forming (Metal Forming2018), Ken Mita, Jun Hu, Tetsuhide Shimizu, Ming Yang, 2018年9月
  13. Effect of DC pulsed-current on deformation behavior of magnesium alloy thin sheets, The 17th International Conference on Metal Forming (Metal Forming2018), Ichsan Indhiarto, Tetsuhide Shimizu, Tsuyoshi Furushima, Ming Yang, 2018年9月

  1. An integrated precise engineering for micro formiong, The 5th International Coference on New Forming Technology (ICNFT2018), Keynote, 2018年9月
  2. Process intelligence technology for metal forming, International Conference on Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 2018 (ICOLMM2018), Keynote, 2018年4月

  1. 塑性加工におけるIot活用と加工領域、市場開拓の可能性, プレス技術2018年11月号(Vol.56,No.12), pp.18-23
  2. 金型内蔵マイクロマルチセンサーとセンサーフュージョンシステムを用いた新しいプロセス計測技術の開発, 金型No.174秋号, pp.50-84, 2018年10月
  3. プレス加工のIoT化に向けた取組, 素形材, 2018 June, Vol59, No.6, pp.34-38

  1. Ichsan Indhiarto, 日本塑性加工学会平成30年度塑性加工春季講演会 優秀論文講演奨励賞, 論文題目:大電力パルス通電下における AZ31 マグネシウム合 金箔材の単軸引張変形特性, 2018年6月

  1. 板橋区製品技術大賞審査委員長

  1. 一般財団法人 素形材センタ― 素形材産業技術表彰委員会
  2. 一般社団法人 首都圏産業活性化協会(TAMA協会)理事

  1. 一般社団法人 日本塑性加工学会 東京・南関東支部 商議員
  2. 一般社団法人 日本塑性加工学会 ナノ・マイクロ加工分科会主査
  3. 一般社団法人 日本塑性加工学会 プロセス可視化・知能化技術分科会主査

  1. JSTP (Japan Society of Technology of Plasticity),CSTP (China Society of Technology of Plasticity),KSTP (Korean Society of Technology of Plasticity), TSTP (Taiwan Society of Technology of Plasticity)の共催による「The 12th Asian Workshop on Nano/micro Forming Technology (AWMFT 2019)」及び「The 2nd Asian Pacific Symposium on Technology of Plasticity (APSTP 2019)」を2019年7月に東京で開催するための運営委員会を立ち上げた。
  2. JSTP (Japan Society of Technology of Plasticity),CSTP (China Society of Technology of Plasticity),KSTP (Korean Society of Technology of Plasticity), TSTP (Taiwan Society of Technology of Plasticity)の共催による「The 11th Asian Workshop on Nano/micro Forming Technology (AWMFT 2018)」を2018年11月に台湾で開催。
  3. マレーシア・マラヤ大学と感染症予防システムの実用化を図るための共同研究を推進している。